This example demonstrates a time series scale by drawing a financial line chart using just the core library. For more specific functionality for financial charts, please see chartjs-chart-financial

Line Chart Chart Type:

The above example shows you how to create ComboChart using ChartJs package. In this example, for purpose of chart demonstration only, we do use mock-up data from array. As you can see, the KoolReport's widget in general support dataSource could be DataStore, Process, DataSource or even simple array.

This example shows you how to build a chart can change chart type to line or bar and can change time type on the x-axis.

if (session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) session_start();
require_once "../../../load.koolreport.php";
require_once "MyReport.php";
$report = new MyReport;
// $report->render();
if (isset($_POST['command'])) {
    <div id='report_render'>

if (!isset($_POST['command'])) {
    <div id='report_render'>


        Line Chart
    <script src=""></script>
        canvas {
            width: 1000px !important;
            height: 400px !important;

    Chart Type:
    <select id="type">
        <option value="line">Line</option>
        <option value="bar">Bar</option>
    <select id="unit">
        <option value="second">Second</option>
        <option value="minute">Minute</option>
        <option value="hour">Hour</option>
        <option value="day" selected>Day</option>
        <option value="month">Month</option>
        <option value="year">Year</option>
    <button id="update">update</button>

        $(document).ready(function() {
            $('#update').click(function(e) {
                var unit = $('#unit').map(function() {
                    return this.value;
                var type = $('#type').map(function() {
                    return this.value;
                    type: "POST",
                    url: 'run.php',
                    data: {
                        command: 'update',
                        unit: unit,
                        type: type
                    success: function(response) {
        <div id='report_render'>

class MyReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
<script src=""></script>
<div style="width:1000px;margin-top:16px;margin-bottom:50px" id="report_render">
    <p>This example demonstrates a time series scale by drawing a financial line chart using just the core library. For more specific functionality for financial charts, please see <a href="">chartjs-chart-financial</a></p>

    function generateData()

        $unit = '';

        if (isset($_POST['unit'])) {
            $unit = $_POST['unit'][0];
        } else {
            $unit = 'day';

        function unitLessThanDay($unit)
            return $unit === 'second' || $unit === 'minute' || $unit === 'hour';

        function beforeNineThirty($date)
            return $date->format('H') < 9 || ($date->format('H') == 9 && $date->format('i') < 30);

        function outsideMarketHours($date, $unit)
            if ($date->format('N') > 5) {
                return true;
            if (unitLessThanDay($unit) && (beforeNineThirty($date) || $date->format('H') > 16)) {
                return true;
            return false;

        function randomNumber($min, $max)
            return mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() * ($max - $min) + $min;

        function randomBar($date, $lastClose)
            $open = number_format(randomNumber($lastClose * 0.95, $lastClose * 1.05), 2);
            $close = number_format(randomNumber($open * 0.95, $open * 1.05), 2);
            return [
                't' => $date->getTimestamp() * 1000,
                'y' => (float)$close

        $date = new DateTime('Jan 01 1990', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
        $now = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
        $data = [];
        $lessThanDay = unitLessThanDay($unit);

        while (count($data) < 600 && $date < $now) {
            if (outsideMarketHours($date, $unit)) {
                if (!$lessThanDay || !beforeNineThirty($date)) {
                    if ($date->format('N') >= 5) {
                        $date->modify('next Monday');
                    } else {
                        $date->modify('+1 day');
                if ($lessThanDay) {
                    $date->setTime(9, 30);

            $lastClose = count($data) > 0 ? $data[count($data) - 1]['y'] : 30;
            $data[] = randomBar($date, $lastClose);

            if (unitLessThanDay($unit)) {
                $interval = new DateInterval('PT1' . ucfirst($unit[0]));
            } else {
                $interval = new DateInterval('P1' . ucfirst($unit[0]));

        return $data;

    $data = generateData();

    if (!isset($_POST['command'])) {
        $_POST['type'] = ['line'];

    if (isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] === ['line']) {
            'dataSource' => $data,
            'columns' => array(
                'y' => array(
                    "label" => 'CHRT - Chart.js Corporation',
                    "backgroundColor" => 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.5)',
                    "borderColor" => 'rgb(255, 99, 132)',
                    "pointRadius" => 0,
                    "fill" => false,
                    "lineTension" => 0,
                    "borderWidth" => 2
            "options" => array(
                "animation" => array(
                    'duration' => 0
                "scales" => array(
                    "xAxes" => array(
                            "type" => 'time',
                            "distribution" => 'series',
                            "offset" => true,
                            "ticks" => array(
                                "major" => array(
                                    'enabled' => true,
                                    "fontStyle" => 'bold',
                                "source" => 'data',
                                "autoSkip" => true,
                                "autoSkipPadding" => 75,
                                "maxRotation" => 0,
                                "sampleSize" => 100
                            "afterBuildTicks" => "function(scale, ticks) {
                                var majorUnit = scale._majorUnit;
                                var firstTick = ticks[0];
                                var i, ilen, val, tick, currMajor, lastMajor;

                                val = moment(ticks[0].value);
                                if ((majorUnit === 'minute' && val.second() === 0)
                                        || (majorUnit === 'hour' && val.minute() === 0)
                                        || (majorUnit === 'day' && val.hour() === 9)
                                        || (majorUnit === 'month' && <= 3 && val.isoWeekday() === 1)
                                        || (majorUnit === 'year' && val.month() === 0)) {
                                    firstTick.major = true;
                                } else {
                                    firstTick.major = false;
                                lastMajor = val.get(majorUnit);

                                for (i = 1, ilen = ticks.length; i < ilen; i++) {
                                    tick = ticks[i];
                                    val = moment(tick.value);
                                    currMajor = val.get(majorUnit);
                                    tick.major = currMajor !== lastMajor;
                                    lastMajor = currMajor;
                                return ticks;
                    "yAxes" => array(
                            "gridLines" => array(
                                "drawBorder" => false
                            "scaleLabel" => array(
                                "display" => true,
                                "labelString" => 'Closing price ($)'
                "tooltips" => array(
                    "intersect" => false,
                    "mode" => 'index',
                    "callback" => array(
                        "label" => "function(tooltipItem, myData) {
                                var label = myData.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex].label || '';
                                if (label) {
                                    label += ': ';
                                label += parseFloat(tooltipItem.value).toFixed(2);
                                return label;
    } else if (isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] === ['bar']) {
            'dataSource' => $data,
            'columns' => array(
                'y' => array(
                    "label" => 'CHRT - Chart.js Corporation',
                    "backgroundColor" => 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.5)',
                    "borderColor" => 'rgb(255, 99, 132)',
                    "pointRadius" => 0,
                    "fill" => false,
                    "lineTension" => 0,
                    "borderWidth" => 2
            "options" => array(
                "animation" => array(
                    'duration' => 0
                "scales" => array(
                    "xAxes" => array(
                            "type" => 'time',
                            "distribution" => 'series',
                            "offset" => true,
                            "ticks" => array(
                                "major" => array(
                                    'enabled' => true,
                                    "fontStyle" => 'bold',
                                "source" => 'data',
                                "autoSkip" => true,
                                "autoSkipPadding" => 75,
                                "maxRotation" => 0,
                                "sampleSize" => 100
                            "afterBuildTicks" => "function(scale, ticks) {
                                var majorUnit = scale._majorUnit;
                                var firstTick = ticks[0];
                                var i, ilen, val, tick, currMajor, lastMajor;

                                val = moment(ticks[0].value);
                                if ((majorUnit === 'minute' && val.second() === 0)
                                        || (majorUnit === 'hour' && val.minute() === 0)
                                        || (majorUnit === 'day' && val.hour() === 9)
                                        || (majorUnit === 'month' && <= 3 && val.isoWeekday() === 1)
                                        || (majorUnit === 'year' && val.month() === 0)) {
                                    firstTick.major = true;
                                } else {
                                    firstTick.major = false;
                                lastMajor = val.get(majorUnit);

                                for (i = 1, ilen = ticks.length; i < ilen; i++) {
                                    tick = ticks[i];
                                    val = moment(tick.value);
                                    currMajor = val.get(majorUnit);
                                    tick.major = currMajor !== lastMajor;
                                    lastMajor = currMajor;
                                return ticks;
                    "yAxes" => array(
                            "gridLines" => array(
                                "drawBorder" => false
                            "scaleLabel" => array(
                                "display" => true,
                                "labelString" => 'Closing price ($)'
                "tooltips" => array(
                    "intersect" => false,
                    "mode" => 'index',
                    "callback" => array(
                        "label" => "function(tooltipItem, myData) {
                                var label = myData.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex].label || '';
                                if (label) {
                                    label += ': ';
                                label += parseFloat(tooltipItem.value).toFixed(2);
                                return label;

What People Are Saying

"KoolReport helps me very much in creating data report for my corporate! Keep up your good work!"
-- Alain Melsens

"The first use of your product. I was impressed by its easiness and powerfulness. This product is a great and amazing."
-- Dr. Lew Choy Onn

"Fantastic framework for reporting!"
-- Greg Schneider

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