Get started with KoolReport

Introduction #

This tutorial guides you through steps to install KoolReport and also create a simple report with charts and graphs with KoolReport. It will go through basic setup file structure, data connection information, data processing and data visualization.

Step-by-steps #

Install KoolReport with composer #

Create a folder salereport as the project folder and then use composer to install koolreport/core

composer require koolreport/core

After running the command, composer will download the koolreport library and you will see a folder vendor is created inside salereport and also a file composer.json is created.


Congrat, you have successfully install KoolReport via composer.

Create report files #

Create 2 php files SaleReport.php and SaleReport.view.php. The SaleReport.php will define the report and SaleReport.view.php will contain the view of report.




class SaleReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport



        <title>Top 10 paying customers</title>

Provide database connection information #

Now in the file SaleReport.php, we will add a settings() methods and provide detail database connection


class SaleReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    //Provide database settings
    protected function settings()
        return array(

We will return an array in settings(). This array contains many settings and "dataSources" is one of them. In the dataSources section, we will provide list of data sources to be used in reports. Here we have only one datasource called automaker. We define the connection information for automaker in form of array as well.

Setup report data flow #

Create a function setup() in SaleReport class to direct data flow


class SaleReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    //Setup data flow
    protected function setup()
            SELECT customers.customerName, sum(payments.amount) as saleamount
            FROM payments
            JOIN customers ON customers.customerNumber = payments.customerNumber
            GROUP BY customers.customerName
            LIMIT 10

Above we select the automaker source and provide a SQL query to get data, the data after pulling will be save to data store called "result" to be used later in the view of report.

Construct view for report #

We create a bar chart and a table inside the view

        <title>Top 10 paying customers</title>


We have plugged data result into widget BarChart and Table.

Include bootstrap for better report look and feel #

Adding the boostrap client trait to the SaleReport class


class SaleReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    use \koolreport\clients\Bootstrap;

Initiate the report #

Now we create an index.php to initiate the report:


require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
require_once "SaleReport.php";

$report = new SaleReport();

We have include the "vendor/autoload.php" so that installed KoolReport library will be loaded. We include the SaleReport.php so that the class SaleReport will be avaiable. Then we create report object, run it and render it.

Watch video #

Get started with KoolReport

KoolReport will help you to construct good php data report by gathering your data from multiple sources, transforming them into valuable insights, and finally visualizing them in stunning charts and graphs.