December 25, 2021
Reporting section is always a part of any system, sometimes it plays a crucial part. We have learnt this through hundreds of projects we did for our customers. So what is KoolReport and why you should consider having it in your great php application.

What is KoolReport?
By definition, KoolReport is an intuitive and flexible open-source PHP Reporting Framework for faster and easier data report delivery. Just like any php framework like Laravel or CodeIgniter, KoolReport provides developers a frame to code, a list of ready-made functionalities to build things. While other frameworks focus on constructing web applications, KoolReport only focuses on one thing: using PHP to construct great data reports.
Koolreport was born from the fact that data reports appear very often in almost all web applications. It is understandable because we always need to know the status of applications such as number of visitors, number of registered users or number of item sales and so on. We have built several hundred applications for our customers and 90% have report sections. In some of them, the report section is actually the main part. This is the biggest motivation for us to construct KoolReport in the first place.
There are 5 reasons that you would like to have KoolReport in your projects:
Easy to install and easy to use. You can install KoolReport by either downloading a copy and putting it inside your application or by using composer with a single command line. The structure of a report is very simple, one php class for report’s definition and one view file for report’s visualization. That’s why you can start using KoolReport in almost no-time.
Single purpose
KoolReport only does one thing and only one thing: building a good data report. Nothing more. You will not see routing, authentication or whatsoever. Is it bad? It depends on each opinion but for us, doing one thing best is better. “Make a good report” is not a simple task in fact. It includes 3 things.
First is the ability to connect to various sources and bring in data in one place. A report could be combined results from different data sources, a little from MySQL, some in Postgresql and other from CSV.
Second is the power of data processing. Data is gathered but how to fastly combine and transform them into meaningful information is the question. KoolReport contains over 30 built-in data processes which you can use with your data.
Last is data visualization capability. We have all meaningful data but without a good representation, the story could not be told. KoolReport is integrated with rich charts and graphs that come from well known libraries such as Google Chart, D3 or ChartJs for you to convey your data in the most impressive and interactive way.
Work with different environments
KoolReport can be integrated into Laravel or CodeIgniter or any MVC frameworks out and utilize their functionalities not existing in KoolReport. So KoolReport wants to be part of ecosystems, does one good thing and corporate with others, all heading to a final purpose: A great application.
Inherit experience of data report maker
Our deep experience of making data reports has been put into KoolReport. Moreover, the comments, recommendations and error report from users helps us to perfect KoolReport through many years. So using KoolReport, you are using a proven framework made by experts and growing from real use cases.
Free and open-source
Cost is always a part of the decision as always. KoolReport is released as a free and open-source library under MIT license which virtually gives you full right to use, to access and modify source-code as your own need.
So above are the top 5 reasons that you should use KoolReport inside your project. Of course, any solution has drawbacks and KoolReport will not be an exception. The reasons we give could be biased and the best way is your own experience with the framework.
January 13, 2021
It should be fun and easy to build. In KooPHP inc, we always keep in mind one thing "Developer must be happy!" because only when happy, he can build the whole world.

It sounds a bit exaggerated but it is true that if we want to build something bigger, we need to free our mind from hassle and focus strongly on main things.
Building a dashboard is not an exception. While what we should focus on is the content of dashboard such as "how data is available and organized?" "what chart types should be used to maximize user's understanding of data?", those tedious tasks like creating user login form, building menus, authorization, CSS styling keep eroding our energy. Sadly, those tedious tasks are essential and we can not escape from.
Understanding the pain, we built a solution called Dashboard Framework. The framework handles for you all those hassle tasks and let you concentrate on what really matter. Some of its features are:
- Built-in authentication
- Allow authorization from application to data field
- Work with MySQL, Postgres, SQL Server, SQLite
- Support data from CSV, Excel files
- Support Data Caching at widget level
- Support multi-languages
- Support Multi-themes
- Beautiful single page application
- Support lazy loading for widgets
- Flexible three levels organized menus
- Work with other frameworks like Laravel, CodeIgniter, Yii2, Symfony
Phew! That's a lot of listings but those are not all. So you see, when you own a framework like this, why hassle can bother you from building great dashboard system for yourself or for your clients. Saving tons of time & efforts, keeping you focus on the importance, making you more productive, helping to serve more clients and bringing you more income eventually. If you feel our words unbelievable, let see its beauty and simplicity from the links below.
To see how beautiful it is, view our demo!
To see how simple it is, view dashboard source-code on Github!
Dashboard Framework will be your shortcut into the world of modern data reporting. With all of its benefits, we hope to have chance to serve you as our customer.
Looking forward to serving you.
<3 KoolReport Team
October 8, 2019
We would like to inform that we have released new version KoolReport 4.3.0 ready for your upgrade. This is a worth upgrading version containing many improvements and important bug fixes.

For further details of the changes in this new version, please follow these links:
This upgrade is backward compatible so feel free to upgrade now!
Some more good news
On further update, we have released a new chart package called D3. The package is built on top of D3JS (Data-Driven Documents) to provide visualization strength for KoolReport. D3JS is very famous Javascript library which is behind many beautiful charts and graphs. Except for the most common charts like Line or Pie, we have added Waterfall and FunnelChart to extend choices for your data visualization. IT IS JUST THE BEGINNING! More and more stunning charts will be added to D3 package.
KoolReport Pro 4.3.1 has been released as well with new core and the upgrades of 14 packages including Pivot, DataGrid, Export and more.. If you have KoolReport Pro license, you may upgrade now via manual download or composer installation. If you have not owned a license yet, please consider to get one now. You will love it!
P.S: KoolReport team wish you have a great day and do not forget to support us. We are and will work hard to bring you to best product saving you time & effort. That's our promise.
<koolreport team
June 7, 2019
LET PARTY! We are very happy to let you know that KoolReport 4.0.0 has been released. There are many enhancements in this version that worth your upgrade.

Composer Friendly
Now all our packages both free and paid can be installed through Composer
. The free packages are hosted with famous Packagist and the commercial packages are hosted with our self-built private repository.
Core Enhancement
Since we moved our GitHub repository from koolphp/koolreport
to koolreport/core
, we have adjusted our folder structure a little bit for unity between manual installation and composer installation.
The core itself has been improved so much from datasources to data processes and the visualization. Those existed bugs from version 3.x has been solved completely in this version.
We added a new widget added called Card
to the core. The Card
allows us to show the important KPI value in our report. If you aim at constructing a dashboard, Card widget is very useful.
Template Engine
KoolReport 4.0.0 is extended capability to work with other template engines rather than just default and boring .view
file. To support this feature, we have released 3 new template engine packages:
- Blade: You are in love with Blade in Laravel? Now you can use blade for your report view
- PlatesPHP: You just want to use native PHP template? PlatesPHP is your best choice.
- Twig: Another famous and proven template engine. Fast and secure.
All of them are free. You can download those packages via our website or install them with composer.
New Package
Planning to release in previous version but we are only able to perfect and release our Amazing
theme package now. The Amazing
theme allows us to make our report look new and modern. Built on top of Bootstrap 4, the amazing theme inherits all cool features of Bootstrap 4 together with new look and feel. We also added some cool widgets for this theme package as well. Say no more, you can have a look at this new package here
Amazing Theme Introduction - Amazing's ChartCard
Other Packages' Enhancements
- Pivot: New
has been added. Algorithm change for better and faster data summarization.
- Excel: Able to create Excel charts using template, more widgets are added.
- Cube: Improve efficiency.
- CloudExport: Update ChromeHeadlessio service
- DataGrid: Improve security for server processing feature.
- ..and many others.
KoolReport Pro
If you have owned KoolReport Pro license, you can upgrade via composer
with package name koolreport/pro
. You may login to our website, heading to My Licenses page and generate token key to upgrade. If you have not, please consider getting KoolReport Pro as it is the most valuable package that we offered.
KoolReport 4.0.0 is a must-upgraded version as it contains many important improvements and bug fixes. We are working hard to make KoolReport better and better day by day.
<3 koolreport team
February 13, 2019
We are very glad to let you know that we have released new version 3.25.3 of KoolReport. This version is our continuous effort to ensure the product quality and improvement. The update is completely backward compatible so you feel free to upgrade without worrying about your current works. Upgrade Now.

We have made a number of enhancements to the core. The first one is conversion of code base to comply with PSR Code Standard. This standard is accepted and adopted by wide range of developers all the world because it will help code look cleaner, easier to read and avoid potential code mistakes. Furthermore, by following this standard, our code base could be parsed by intellisense extensions in modern IDEs like Visual Studio Code or PHPStorm.
We have continued to improve the most used widget, Table
. In previous version, we have new feature Row Grouping. In this version, we add more flexibility to Table's grouping template and style. We also add new sorting
property to let you sort data on the table.
Google has updated the its charting library so we have update our Google Charts in KoolReport as well. If you use old version of KoolReport, it will not be possible to load multiple type of charts (coming from different chart packages). We have spent days to analyze the issues and make it work. If you have this issue, please upgrade to the newest version.
Bug fixes
We have fixed a big issue in Widget when we define data source by function. We also fixed the error related to grouping feature of Table when there is no data. We fixed the data duplication in KoolReport's run()
methods. There are some other minor fixes as well that we could not list all here.
New package
The CloudExport is a new added package. The CloudExport will be a service hub to connect to online service provider to export your report to PDF, JPG, PNG or other formats. The package is totally free and available to download. The first cloud service that we implemented is CloudExport will be alternative solution for Export package if you find difficulty to install PhantomJs or if you want to off-load the export function to cloud service and save your server's resources for other crucial tasks.
KoolReport Pro
KoolReport Pro 3.25.3 is also released together with new core. This release contains some new package releases: DataGrid 2.5.0
, Excel 5.0.0
, Inputs 4.5.0
, Instant 3.5.0
, DrillDown 3.0.0
and Pivot 4.3.0
As you may aware, KoolReport Pro is yearly subscription based product. To add more flexibility in term of license, we added the Perpetual Usage badge which can be purchased together with KoolReport Pro license. This badge allows you to use KoolReport Pro forever even after subscription is expired. However it does not cover the Priority Support and Free Upgrade privilege.
In addition, we provide the Perpetual Usage, Support and Upgrade badge. If you purchased this badge together with your license, you will own the life-time usage for KoolReport Pro plus you will be entitled Life-Time Priority Support and Life-Time Upgrade privilege.
The KoolReport 3.25.3 is a must-upgraded version as it contains important enhancements and bug fixes. The update is backward compatible and you can upgrade without any changes to your current reports.
<3 koolreport team