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Create Google Chart using PHP and MySQL

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So you want to create Google Chart using PHP & MySQL ?

For your information, Google Chart is a built-in data visualization of KoolReport. We have wrapped Google Chart library in a very intuitive PHP interface so that you can easily create all kinds of chart in just few lines of code. As a result, you will save huge amount. That's awesome, isn't it?

Simply download KoolReport and you have amazing chart library to use. Line chart, Bar chart, Pie chart and more complicated chart like OrgChart, Map, GeoChart are all available.

Other than Google Chart, we have several alternatives for you such as ChartJS, Morris Chart, Sparklines. It is not free but worth to check them out!

Get KoolReport Now to create awesome charts and graphs for your application!

#1878 opened on Jan 29, 2021 by ankit raj with last post of ankit raj
#665 opened on Feb 11, 2019 by gkurl with last post of Kevin
#1419 opened on May 3, 2020 by Roman Halaxa with last post of Roman Halaxa
#725 opened on Mar 4, 2019 by Markus Mohr with last post of KoolReport
#709 opened on Feb 26, 2019 by Ahmed Bucheeri with last post of Ahmed Bucheeri