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Which version of datatables does Koolreport Pro uses #3319

Open Jorge Tobon opened this topic on on Jul 19 - 3 comments

Jorge Tobon commented on Jul 19

Hi, we need to know Which version of datatables does Koolreport Pro uses?

In fact would be very helpful have a list of all componentes versions that Koolreport Pro includes.


Sebastian Morales commented on Jul 22

Did you meant client-side DataTables js/css file? If so, the current version we are using in Datagrid package for Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 themes is v1.10.21.

In the next version of KoolReport we intend to use DataTables v2 if users choose Bootstrap 5 theme.

Jorge Tobon commented on Jul 22

Thanks Sebastian, and when are you planning to launch the new version of KoolReports supporting v2?

Datatables V1.10.21 is 2020. At least upgrade to v1.13.11 which was launched this year.

Sebastian Morales commented on Jul 24

Thank you for your suggestion. We plan to release a new version of KoolReport, which supports DataTables js v2, in the next few weeks. For users that still require v1 we also intend to add options for newer v1 versions. Rgds,

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