We are upgrading a package written with CodeIgniter 2 to a version written in CI 3. The code that is causing the issue is completely custom, and not supplied / supported by the vendor. So, we're bringing it directly over from the earlier software to the current version.
When running on the "old" system, the "options" keyword creates buttons and paging options. On the "new" system, it does not.
Here is the code in question:
"dataSource"=> $table_data ,
"fastRender" => true,
"plugins" => ["Buttons"],
"searchMode" => "smart",
"options" =>array( "dom" => '<"bottom"l<"clear">>,"Bfrtip"',
"buttons" =>
[ [
'text'=>'<i class="fa-light fa-file-csv"></i> CSV',
'text'=>'<i class="fa-light fa-file-excel"></i>Excel',
'text'=>'<i class="fa-light fa-copy"></i> Copy',
'text'=>'<i class="fa-light fa-print"></i> Print',
"paging" => true,
"pagingType"=> "full_numbers",