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Need help in adding dynamically query for filtering #2475

Open Anjali opened this topic on on Dec 2, 2021 - 1 comments

Anjali commented on Dec 2, 2021

Hello, i need to add query for datatable where i need to filter by column. and i am using datatable controller and view for all the other datattable as well. SO please guide me how i can add Filter query dynamically that only one datatable get affected. Thanks


use App\Http\Helpers\Settings;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
use koolreport\datagrid\DataTables;
use koolreport\processes\Filter;

    "title" => $this->title,
    "name" => $this->name,
    'dataSource' => function () {
        return $this->src('mysql')
            ->query('select * from ' . $this->datasource)
            ->pipe(new \koolreport\processes\Map([
                "{value}" => function ($row) {
                         $btn = '';
                    foreach ($this->actions_btn as $key => $value) {
                        if ($key == 'deletebtn') {
                            $btn .= '<a onclick="deleteFunc(' . $row['id'] . ')" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm m-1 px-2">' . $value['icon'] . '</a>';
                        } else {
                            $btn .= '<a href="' . route($this->route . $value['route'], $row['id']) . '" class="btn btn-info btn-sm m-1 px-2">' . $value['icon'] . '</a>';
                        $row['Actions'] = $btn;
              return $row;
    "columns" => $this->column,
    "plugins" => $this->plugins,
    "options" => $this->options,
    "serverSide" => true,
Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 3, 2021

Here's how you can catch the DataTables' server-side search parameter sent to server each time users search in DataTables:

        //MyReport.php or MyReport.view.php        
        $request = strtolower($method) === 'post' ? $_POST : $_GET;
        $id = isset($request["id"]) ? $request["id"] : null;        
        if ($id == $dataTablesName) { // DataTables::create(array( "name" => $dataTablesName, ...));
            $columnsSearch = isset($request["columns"]) ? $request["columns"] : [];
        ) else $columnsSearch = [];
        echo "columnsSearch = "; print_r($columnsSearch); // print $columnsSearch to see its structure and value

With this $columnsSearch parameter caught you could use KoolReport Filter process to filter only columns (real or fake) you want. Let's us know if there's any issue.

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