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Fixed First Column #1994

Open Alex opened this topic on on Mar 25, 2021 - 15 comments

Alex commented on Mar 25, 2021


I see the ease to fix the header row, but I do not see any documentation to set a fixed column.

Does this exist?

KoolReport commented on Mar 25, 2021

If you want to have the fixed first column features, please use the DataTables widget from DataGrid packages.

Alex commented on Apr 26, 2021


I have reviewed the features of the Data Tables widget, but I do not see any documentation around "freezing" the first column. I see documentation around freezing the header row, which I included as a picture for reference, but nothing further.

Could you please point me in the right direction? Thanks for your help!

This is where I have been reviewing:


Sebastian Morales commented on Apr 27, 2021

Pls check this example of fixed columns for DataTables in client side setting:


You could convert those options to PHP array and use them in DataTables widget like this:

    "options" => array(
        "scrollY" => "300px",
        "scrollX" => true,
        "scrollCollapse" => true,
        "paging" => false,
        "fixedColumns" => array(
            "leftColumns" => 1,
            "rightColumns" => 1

Let us know how it works for you. Tks,

Lalitha commented on Nov 3, 2022

Hi, how can i freeze the first column in the datatable using koolreport, in every data table present in my kool reports.. Please help me out

Sebastian Morales commented on Nov 7, 2022

Pls try the "fixedColumns" plugin:


    "options" => array(
        "scrollY" => "300px",
        "scrollX" => true,
        "scrollCollapse" => true,
        "paging" => false,
        "fixedColumns" => array(
            "leftColumns" => 1,
            "rightColumns" => 1
Lalitha commented on Nov 7, 2022

"plugins" => ["FixedHeader","FixedColumns"],

                                                        "options" => array(
                                                            "colReorder" => true,
                                                            "scrollY" => "500px",
                                                            "scrollX" => true,
                                                            "scrollCollapse" => true,
                                                            // "fixedColumns" => array(
                                                                //     "leftColumns" => 2  
                                                                // ),
                                                                "select" => true,
                                                                "ordering" => false,
                                                            "title"=>"State Wise Net Volume Sale",            

I have already done this. It is showing state name , i mean the very first column data 2 times( like abc down again abc). and the internal linking is also breaking.When we tried to click on the data it is not displaying/working. It is freezing but not working , other modules are creating many disturbances

Sebastian Morales commented on Nov 8, 2022

Pls post your DataTables full create code and screenshots of the problem when comparing to not using fixedColumns. Tks,

Lalitha commented on Nov 10, 2022
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../../layout/header.php");
use \koolreport\drilldown\DrillDown;
use \koolreport\processes\CopyColumn;
use \koolreport\processes\DateTimeFormat;
use \koolreport\widgets\google\ColumnChart;
use \koolreport\widgets\koolphp\Table;
use \koolreport\inputs\DateRangePicker;
use \koolreport\inputs\Select;
use \koolreport\datagrid\DataTables;
.label-select { border: none;
    background: none;
    background-image: none;
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    font-weight: 600;
    pointer-events: none;
    font-size: 16px;
select.label-select {
    /* for Firefox */
    -moz-appearance: none;
    /* for Chrome */
    -webkit-appearance: none;

/* For IE10 */
select.label-select::-ms-expand {
    display: none;


<div class="report-content">
   <!-- <div class="text-center">
        <div><h1><strong>Volume Sales Report</strong></h1></div>
    </div>    -->
        <!-- <BR>-->
        <div class="border-top my-3"></div>

            <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-8 offset-md-12">
                <label><strong><h3>Select the Year to view Volume Sales Report:</h3></strong></label>
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-8 offset-md-12" >
                    //"placeholder" => "Select year",
                    'name' => "yearinfo",
                    "defaultOption" => array("Select the Year" => null),
                    "dataStore" => $this->dataStore("yr_list"),
                    "dataBind" => array(
                        "text" => "yearinfo",
                        "value" => "yearinfo",
                    "attributes" => array(
                        "class" => "form-control",
                <div class="col-md-4 offset-md-12">
                    <button id="submit"  class="btn btn-primary"><strong>Show Report</strong></button>
<div class="border-top my-3"></div>

<!-- <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.0.js"></script> -->
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
   /* $('yearinfo').change(function(e){
      // this function runs when a user selects an option from a <select> element
      window.location.href = $("yearinfo option:selected").attr('value');
   }); */
   $(function() {
    if (sessionStorage.getItem('yearinfo')) {
        $("#yearinfo option").eq(sessionStorage.getItem('yearinfo')).prop('selected', true);
    $("#yearinfo").on('change', function() {
        sessionStorage.setItem('yearinfo', $('option:selected', this).index());
$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#submit').click(function() {
        //if(window.location.hostname == 'localhost'){
            window.open('VolumeSalesDrillDown.main.php?yR=' + $('#yearinfo').val(), '_self');
                //window.open('StrategyFinMainCard.php?EXECD=$EXECD&YR=$Yrdt', '_blank');
                console.log("----> listdestails ---start");
                console.log("----> listdestails ---end");  
        /* window.onload = function() {
        } */

        /* echo 'View<BR>'.$_GET['yR'];
        echo '<BR>Substring<br>'. substr($_GET['yR'],0,9);
        echo '<BR>head<br>'. substr($_GET['yR'],10);
            if($_GET['yR'] != null){
                global $yR_1,$yR_2,$yR_3;
                $yR_3 ='VOLSALE_'."".$yR_1."".$yR_2." ";
                //$yR_3 =$yR_1.$yR_2;

                /*echo '<br>'.$yR_1;
                echo '<br>'.$yR_2;
                echo '<br>'.$yR_3;*/
                //echo 'View<BR>'.$_GET['yR'];
                /* echo '<BR>Substring<br>'. substr($_GET['yR'],0,9);
                echo '<BR>head<br>'. substr($_GET['yR'],10); */
                <div class="report-content">
                <div class="text-center">
                <h3>Volume Sales Report from<?php print ' '. substr($_GET['yR'],10);?></h3>
                <p class="lead">
                Please click on the column of chart/table to go further down on details.
                    font-size: 12px;
                    font-size: 12px;
                    font-size: 12px;
                    background-color:#FAFAFA !important;
                    "title"=>"Analyze Geographical Wise Volume Sale",
                            "title"=>"All Zones",
                                        SELECT upper(zone) zone,sum(isnull(INVVOLFORTHEDAY,0))-sum(isnull(STKRTNDAY,0)) netvolday
                                        FROM  " . $GLOBALS["yR_3"] . " where EXECCODE IN (select repcode from HIERARCHY_DET where repcode_rep='999940011') and year='" . substr($_GET['yR'],0,9) . "'  GROUP BY ZONE ORDER BY sum(isnull(INVVOLFORTHEDAY,0))-sum(isnull(STKRTNDAY,0)) DESC
                                    "title"=>"Zone Wise Net Volume Sale",
                                                return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                        return "ZONE - ".$params["zone"];
                                                SELECT upper(locnm) locnm,sum(isnull(INVVOLFORTHEDAY,0))-sum(isnull(STKRTNDAY,0)) netvolday
                                                from " . $GLOBALS["yR_3"]  . " where zone=:zone and EXECCODE IN (select repcode from HIERARCHY_DET where repcode_rep='999940011') and year='" . substr($_GET['yR'],0,9) . "'  
                                                GROUP BY locnm ORDER BY sum(isnull(INVVOLFORTHEDAY,0))-sum(isnull(STKRTNDAY,0)) DESC
                                                "title"=>"Office Wise Net Volume Sale",
                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                    return "Office - ".$params["locnm"];
                                                        "name" => "reportTable",
                                                            SELECT upper(state) state,sum(isnull(SCHOOLMAPPED,0)) SCHOOLMAPPED,sum(isnull(SCHOOLPLANNED,0)) SCHOOLPLANNED,sum(isnull(TOTUSERSCH,0)) TOTUSERSCH,sum(isnull(SCHOOLVISITSMAPPED,0)) SCHOOLVISITSMAPPED,sum(isnull(SCHOOLVISITSUNMAPPED,0)) SCHOOLVISITSUNMAPPED,
                                                            sum(isnull(SCHOOLPDBMAPPED,0)) SCHOOLPDBMAPPED,sum(isnull(SCHOOLPDBUNMAPPED,0)) SCHOOLPDBUNMAPPED,sum(isnull(OTHERSPDB,0)) OTHERSPDB,sum(isnull(PDBVOL,0)) PDBVOL,sum(isnull(NETAPPRVOL,0)) NETAPPRVOL,
                                                            sum(isnull(MCRTOTCALLS,0)) MCRTOTCALLS,sum(isnull(TOTACTCALLSMAPPED,0)) TOTACTCALLSMAPPED,sum(isnull(TOTACTCALLSUNMAPPED,0)) TOTACTCALLSUNMAPPED,
                                                            sum(isnull(PLANVOL,0)) PLANVOL,sum(isnull(PLNADOPT,0)) PLNADOPT,sum(isnull(INVVOLFORTHEDAY,0)) INVVOLFORTHEDAY,sum(isnull(STKRTNDAY,0)) STKRTNDAY,sum(isnull(STKRTNDAYINV,0)) STKRTNDAYINV,sum(isnull(INVVOLFORTHEDAY,0))-sum(isnull(STKRTNDAY,0)) NETVOLDAY,
                                                            sum(isnull(OINVVOLFORTHEDAY,0)) OINVVOLFORTHEDAY,sum(isnull(OSTKRTNDAY,0)) OSTKRTNDAY,sum(isnull(OSTKRTNDAYINV,0)) OSTKRTNDAYINV,sum(isnull(OINVVOLFORTHEDAY,0))-sum(isnull(OSTKRTNDAY,0)) ONETVOLDAY,sum(isnull(INVVOLFORTHEDAY,0))-sum(isnull(STKRTNDAY,0))+sum(isnull(OINVVOLFORTHEDAY,0))-sum(isnull(OSTKRTNDAY,0)) TNETVOLDAY
                                                            from " . $GLOBALS["yR_3"]  . " where zone=:zone and locnm=:locnm and EXECCODE IN (select repcode from HIERARCHY_DET where repcode_rep='999940011') and year='" . substr($_GET['yR'],0,9) . "'  
                                                            GROUP BY state ORDER BY sum(isnull(INVVOLFORTHEDAY,0))-sum(isnull(STKRTNDAY,0)) DESC
                                                            "plugins" => ["FixedHeader","FixedColumns"],
                                                            "options" => array(
                                                                "colReorder" => true,
                                                                "scrollY" => "500px",
                                                                "scrollX" => true,
                                                                "scrollCollapse" => true,
                                                                // "fixedColumns" => array(
                                                                    //     "leftColumns" => 2  
                                                                    // ),
                                                                    "select" => true,
                                                                    "ordering" => false,
                                                                "title"=>"State Wise Net Volume Sale",              
                                                                        "label"=>"STATE NAME",
                                                                        "label"=>"Schools Mapped",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Mapped Schools Planned",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            if ($cKey === 'SCHOOLPLANNED')
                                                                                if ($row["SCHOOLMAPPED"] == 0) {
                                                                                    return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                                } /* else {
                                                                                    $a = ($value*100/$row["SCHOOLMAPPED"]);
                                                                                    $css = indicators3($val = $a, $indicator_array = array(0, 85, 100), $indicator_rating = "normal");
                                                                                    return "<div class='" . $css . "'>" . preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value ) . "</div>";
                                                                                } */
                                                                                return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Total User School",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            if ($cKey === 'TOTUSERSCH')
                                                                                if ($row["SCHOOLPLANNED"] == 0) {
                                                                                    return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                                } /* else {
                                                                                    $a = ($value*100/$row["SCHOOLPLANNED"]);
                                                                                    $css = indicators3($val = $a, $indicator_array = array(0, 85, 100), $indicator_rating = "normal");
                                                                                    return "<div class='" . $css . "'>" . preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value ) . "</div>";
                                                                                } */
                                                                                return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Mapped Schools Visited",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Un-Mapped Schools Visited",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Calls Planned",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Mapped School Actual Visits",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Un-Mapped School Actual Visits",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"PDB (Mapped Schools)",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"PDB (Un-Mapped Schools)",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"PDB TO OTHERS",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Total PDB",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Approval Pending",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Planned Title Volume",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Planned Title Adopted",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Invoiced Volume Sale",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Stock Returned Volume",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            if ($cKey === 'STKRTNDAY')
                                                                                if ($row["INVVOLFORTHEDAY"] == 0) {
                                                                                    return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                                } /* else {
                                                                                    $a = ($value*100/$row["INVVOLFORTHEDAY"]);
                                                                                    $css = indicators3($val = $a, $indicator_array = array(0, 10, 20), $indicator_rating = "reverse");
                                                                                    return "<div class='" . $css . "'>" . preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value ) . "</div>";
                                                                                } */
                                                                                return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Net Volume Sale",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Invoiced Volume Sale (Other Branch)",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Stock Returned Volume (Other Branch)",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Net Volume Sale (Other Branch)",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Total Net Volume Sale",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Stock Returned For The Business Year Invoices",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            if ($cKey === 'STKRTNDAYINV')
                                                                                if ($row["INVVOLFORTHEDAY"] == 0) {
                                                                                    return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                                } /* else {
                                                                                    $a = ($value*100/$row["INVVOLFORTHEDAY"]);
                                                                                    $css = indicators3($val = $a, $indicator_array = array(0, 10, 20), $indicator_rating = "reverse");
                                                                                    return "<div class='" . $css . "'>" . preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value ) . "</div>";
                                                                                } */
                                                                                return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                        "label"=>"Stock Returned For The Business Year Invoices (Other Branch)",
                                                                        "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                        "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                    "table"=>"table table-hover",
                                                                        if ($colName=="state")
                                                                            return "cssTd";
                                                                        else if ($colName=="SCHOOLMAPPED" or $colName=="SCHOOLPLANNED" or $colName=="TOTUSERSCH" or $colName=="SCHOOLVISITSMAPPED" or $colName=="SCHOOLVISITSUNMAPPED" or 
                                                                        $colName=="SCHOOLPDBMAPPED" or $colName=="SCHOOLPDBUNMAPPED" or $colName=="OTHERSPDB" or $colName=="PDBVOL" or $colName=="PLANVOL" or $colName=="PLNADOPT" or $colName=="STKRTNDAYINV" or $colName=="OSTKRTNDAYINV")
                                                                            return "cssTdw";
                                                                            return "text-right";
                                                                        var data = dt.rows(indexes).data()[0];
                                                                        var Stnm=data[0];
                                                                return "State - ".$params["state"];
                                                                    "name" => "reportTable1",
                                                                        SELECT upper(distt) distt,sum(isnull(SCHOOLMAPPED,0)) SCHOOLMAPPED,sum(isnull(SCHOOLPLANNED,0)) SCHOOLPLANNED,sum(isnull(TOTUSERSCH,0)) TOTUSERSCH,sum(isnull(SCHOOLVISITSMAPPED,0)) SCHOOLVISITSMAPPED,sum(isnull(SCHOOLVISITSUNMAPPED,0)) SCHOOLVISITSUNMAPPED,
                                                                        sum(isnull(SCHOOLPDBMAPPED,0)) SCHOOLPDBMAPPED,sum(isnull(SCHOOLPDBUNMAPPED,0)) SCHOOLPDBUNMAPPED,sum(isnull(OTHERSPDB,0)) OTHERSPDB,sum(isnull(PDBVOL,0)) PDBVOL,sum(isnull(NETAPPRVOL,0)) NETAPPRVOL,
                                                                        sum(isnull(MCRTOTCALLS,0)) MCRTOTCALLS,sum(isnull(TOTACTCALLSMAPPED,0)) TOTACTCALLSMAPPED,sum(isnull(TOTACTCALLSUNMAPPED,0)) TOTACTCALLSUNMAPPED,
                                                                        sum(isnull(PLANVOL,0)) PLANVOL,sum(isnull(PLNADOPT,0)) PLNADOPT,sum(isnull(INVVOLFORTHEDAY,0)) INVVOLFORTHEDAY,sum(isnull(STKRTNDAY,0)) STKRTNDAY,sum(isnull(STKRTNDAYINV,0)) STKRTNDAYINV,sum(isnull(INVVOLFORTHEDAY,0))-sum(isnull(STKRTNDAY,0)) NETVOLDAY,
                                                                        sum(isnull(OINVVOLFORTHEDAY,0)) OINVVOLFORTHEDAY,sum(isnull(OSTKRTNDAY,0)) OSTKRTNDAY,sum(isnull(OSTKRTNDAYINV,0)) OSTKRTNDAYINV,sum(isnull(OINVVOLFORTHEDAY,0))-sum(isnull(OSTKRTNDAY,0)) ONETVOLDAY,sum(isnull(INVVOLFORTHEDAY,0))-sum(isnull(STKRTNDAY,0))+sum(isnull(OINVVOLFORTHEDAY,0))-sum(isnull(OSTKRTNDAY,0)) TNETVOLDAY
                                                                        from " . $GLOBALS["yR_3"]  . " where zone=:zone and locnm=:locnm and state=:state and EXECCODE IN (select repcode from HIERARCHY_DET where repcode_rep='999940011') and year='" . substr($_GET['yR'],0,9) . "'  
                                                                        GROUP BY distt ORDER BY sum(isnull(INVVOLFORTHEDAY,0))-sum(isnull(STKRTNDAY,0)) DESC
                                                                        "plugins" => ["FixedHeader"],
                                                                        "options" => array(
                                                                            "colReorder" => true,
                                                                            "scrollY" => "500px",
                                                                            "scrollX" => true,
                                                                            "scrollCollapse" => true,
                                                                            // "fixedColumns" => array(
                                                                                //     "leftColumns" => 1  
                                                                                // ),
                                                                                "select" => true,
                                                                                "ordering" => false,
                                                                            "title"=>"District Wise Net Volume Sale",              
                                                                                    "label"=>"DISTRICT NAME",
                                                                                    "label"=>"Schools Mapped",
                                                                                    "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                                    "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                                        return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                                    "label"=>"Mapped Schools Planned",
                                                                                    "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                                    "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                                        if ($cKey === 'SCHOOLPLANNED')
                                                                                            if ($row["SCHOOLMAPPED"] == 0) {
                                                                                                return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                                            } /* else {
                                                                                                $a = ($value*100/$row["SCHOOLMAPPED"]);
                                                                                                $css = indicators3($val = $a, $indicator_array = array(0, 85, 100), $indicator_rating = "normal");
                                                                                                return "<div class='" . $css . "'>" . preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value ) . "</div>";
                                                                                            } */
                                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                                    "label"=>"Total User School",
                                                                                    "cssStyle"=>"text-align:right;background-color: #FAFAFA",
                                                                                    "formatValue"=>function($value,$row, $cKey)
                                                                                        if ($cKey === 'TOTUSERSCH')
                                                                                            if ($row["SCHOOLPLANNED"] == 0) {
                                                                                                return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
                                                                                            } /* else {
                                                                                                $a = ($value*100/$row["SCHOOLPLANNED"]);
                                                                                                $css = indicators3($val = $a, $indicator_array = array(0, 85, 100), $indicator_rating = "normal");
                                                                                                return "<div class='" . $css . "'>" . preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value ) . "</div>";
                                                                                            } */
                                                                                            return preg_replace("/(\d+?)(?=(\d\d)+(\d)(?!\d))(\.\d+)?/i", "$1,", $value );
Sebastian Morales commented on Nov 10, 2022

I can see that you commented out options' fixedColumns. What happens if you set the following options:

    "options" => array(
        "scrollY" => "300px",
        "scrollX" => true,
        "scrollCollapse" => true,
        "paging" => false,
        "fixedColumns" => array(
            "leftColumns" => 1

Pls post screenshots if possible. Tks,

Lalitha commented on Nov 10, 2022

Lalitha commented on Nov 17, 2022

Hi Team, Any update on this...

Sebastian Morales commented on Nov 17, 2022

Would prefer you state the exact issue instead of guessing from screenshots but is header overlapping your problem? If so does removing "FixedHeader" plugin change it?

Lalitha commented on Nov 18, 2022

no removing fixed header is not solving my issue, I need first column to freeze it is over lapping and also when i am clicking on the number it is not going further internally.

Lalitha commented on Nov 30, 2022

any update?

Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 1, 2022

Pls try a standalone report, no framework, no other js or css files, with DataTables' fixed columns and see if this issue remains. If it does, email the report code to us at support@koolreport.com / support@koolphp.net. If it doesn't there might have been conflict between fixed column plugin with some of your js/css in your project.

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