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Format value of datatable to not occur on footer #1450

Open ankit raj opened this topic on on May 19, 2020 - 1 comments

ankit raj commented on May 19, 2020

hey i have a datatable on which i use a formatvalue to convert the data to links , but i dont want it to come on footer , how do i achieve that. This is that particular column in the columns array and the thing i tried which didnt work.

"Serial Count"=>[
                    "formatValue"=>function($value,$row) {
                        if($row[$name] != 'Total')
                        return "<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick= 'getSerialDetail(0,0,0,{$row['meta_data']},2)'>$value</a>";
                            return $value;


i dont want my sum to be a link .

David Winterburn commented on May 20, 2020

DataTables doesn't have column's footer property. It only has option's footerCallback property.

In case you are using Table, how about removing that column's footer property you don't want the column's sum of its links in the footer.

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