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Hi Branden,
In the latest version by default DataTables is loaded with the following plugins: "AutoFill", "ColReorder", "RowGroup", "Select"
In addition to these, you could load the following plugins:
"plugins" => array("Buttons", "FixedColumns", "FixedHeader", "KeyTable", "Responsive", "RowReorder", "Scroller", "SearchPanes"),
Hi David, How can i enable buttons for example?
I've added the plugins to the datatable yet i do not see it ? am i missing anything?
"id" => "byMostD",
"name" => "byMostD",
"dataSource" => $this->dataStore("byMostDialed"),
"scope" => $this->params,
"plugins" => array("Buttons",),
"options" => array(
"searching" => true,
"paging" => true,
"colReorder" => true,
"order" => [],
"ordering" => true,
"pageLength" => 10,
"responsive"=> true,
"autoWidth" => false
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