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DataGrid serverSide and File Cache #1286

Open Serafim Gomes opened this topic on on Feb 5, 2020 - 1 comments

Serafim Gomes commented on Feb 5, 2020

I have created a DataTable with server side enabled because the data retrieved is huge, but every time a user inserts a word in the search field it fires a new query in the database, the problem is that this query his heavy. Is it possible to create this but with File Cache, so every time it makes a search or loads the page again doesn’t execute the query again?

David Winterburn commented on Feb 6, 2020

Hi Serafim,

We will investigate if File Cache could be used to cache datagrid/DataTables' server side query. In the meantime, with server side processing we suggest you turn on DataTables' searchOnEnter property to limit the number of query for each filter:

        "searchOnEnter" => true,


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