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Help with Pivot Table/Matrix Css #984

Open Giovanni opened this topic on on Jul 15, 2019 - 1 comments

Giovanni commented on Jul 15, 2019

My project involves printing/displaying large tables of data.

The problem that I'm running into is that I don't know how to control the "krpmRowHeaderZone".

I would like to make it smaller but is tied with a whole lot of css classes, including some <colgroup>.

To summarize: How can I give more space to my data and less to my row/col headers?

David Winterburn commented on Jul 16, 2019

Hi Giovanni,

Please try adding the following css rule to your report view page:

    .krpmDataFieldZone .krpmFieldDropContainer,
    .krpmRowFieldZone .krpmFieldDropContainer,
    .krpmRowHeaderZoneDiv {
        width: 100px; //change this width to your preferred value

Let us know if you have any question. Thanks!

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