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Pivot Extract Broke #980

Open Giovanni opened this topic on on Jul 11, 2019 - 2 comments

Giovanni commented on Jul 11, 2019

At the moment I can't seem to export a pivot table to PDF.

Even the examples on the site (as the examples folder of the package) show the same issue, you can print the PDF but the table is not showing.

Koolreport 4.1.1

EDIT: The site seems to work now, but my example files don't.

David Winterburn commented on Jul 12, 2019

Hi Giovanni,

The PivotExtract process is still working fine. What seems to have a problem is exporting PivotTable to pdf with Phantomjs. We have just released a new version of Pivot 6.1.2 (together with KoolReport Pro 4.1.2) which should address this PivotTable's Phantomjs issue.

Some technical detail: we intended to use some javascript es6 features for PivotTable but it turns out Phantomjs (which is suspended until further notice) couldn't handle es6. Cloudexport which uses Chrome headless API works fine with any PivotTable version.

Giovanni commented on Jul 15, 2019

Thanks David, updating to the new version worked.

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