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How can I take the changes of a Pivot Matrix? #955

Open Alessandro opened this topic on on Jul 1, 2019 - 2 comments

Alessandro commented on Jul 1, 2019

The project I'm working on requires and interactive table, and to export that table as modified by the user in a variety of formats (Excel, PDF...). I wasn't able to make your extention PivotMatrix fit this task, because as far as I can tell there is no way to know function-wise how the user customize his/her table at runtime. The main issue is that the draw method is static, so I don't know how am I supposed to know how my client wants his table.

Did I miss something?

Any suggestion?


David Winterburn commented on Jul 3, 2019

Hi Alessandro,

Please try to add the following hidden input to your form that your PivotMatrix is inside of:

<input type='hidden' name='koolPivotUpdate' value='1' />

When your users change a PivotMatrix and click the Export button (which I supposed would submit the form) the current state of the PivotMatrix would be submitted as well. So the exported file would represent the user-changed PivotMatrix instead of the default setting one.

Please try this and let us know if it works for you. Thanks!

Alessandro commented on Jul 4, 2019

Hi David, that hidden input worked wonders. Thanks for the suggestion.

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