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How to generate a pie chart based on Month Wise Sales #941

Open Sowmya opened this topic on on Jun 24, 2019 - 1 comments

Sowmya commented on Jun 24, 2019

Hi Kool Report team, I'm Sowmya. I'm Koolreport Pro User. Here I have an Issue. In want to generate Pie chart for month wise sales. For this requirement I'm using Databse in SqlServer. I supplied my date in the format "1-Apr-19". Now I have to generate "April Month Sales report" for Different products. How can I extract that Month from my date. Could you please give me an example.

Please help me. I have to submit this task, by the end of the day. 

Please Please Please Please ....... help me.

                                    Thank you in advance.....
David Winterburn commented on Jun 25, 2019

Hi Sowmya,

Could you try the Month function when select:

select Month(dateField) as dateFieldMonth,... from ...

Let us know if there's any difficulty doing this. Thanks!

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