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Charts sometimes not loaded when my report is exported #899

Open Nuvap SRL opened this topic on on May 30, 2019 - 4 comments

Nuvap SRL commented on May 30, 2019

Hello, my application creates a report that contains approximately 20 charts (based on data contained in a .csv file). The report is exported correctly 90% of the times, but sometimes (very rarely) it comes out as a single blank page, and other times (a bit more frequently) the charts don't show up (the other resources, like images and text, are fine, but they are retrieved locally). I'm currently using the Google Charts widget to generate the charts. Moreover, the resourceWating option in my report settings is set to 10 seconds. Do I just need to simply increase it or are there any other problems? Thank you.

KoolReport commented on May 30, 2019

As you know the GoogleCharts is loaded from online so sometime if your internet connection is lag, GoogleCharts could not load. Increasing the resourceWaiting helps but the side-effect will be slower to get pdf because export package will wait 10s before it confirms that no more resource is available and continue with pdf rendering.

Nuvap SRL commented on May 30, 2019

Thank you for your quick reply. So with a more stable and overall better internet connection I should not have this problem anymore right? And I should be able to reduce my resourceWaiting option, right? Also, I was considering buying the ChartJS package in order not to rely on internet to generate my charts. I was wondering if it comprehends all the chart options I would have with Google Charts, because I need to customize my charts. Thank you.

KoolReport commented on May 30, 2019

They are two different libraries. Basically they are the same for common usage. But there is no guarantee all options are available at both side.

Nuvap SRL commented on May 30, 2019

Alright, thank you. So, if I decide to buy the package, can I write you an email beforehand asking if the specific options I need are available? Thank you.

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