I need to export 12 columns to excel but it is not exported correctly The query is the following
$consultaSQLExcel = "select codigo_item as 'CODIGO ITEM', nombre_item as ITEM, numero_serie as 'NUMERO SERIE', tipo_doc_mov_serie_item as 'TIPO DE DOCUMENTO', numero_documento as 'NUMERO DOCUMENTO', nombre_bodega as BODEGA, disponibilidad_item_serie as DISPONIBILIDAD, integridad_item_serie as INTEGRIDAD, razon_social_cliente as CLIENTE, razon_social_proveedor as PROVEEDOR, nombres_usuario as 'CREADO POR',fecha_hora_creacion_ultimo_movimiento as 'FECHA CREACION' from series_items_inventario where contribuyente=" . $idContribuyente;
$this->src('mysql') ->query($consultaSQLExcel) ->pipe($this->dataStore('seriesItems'));
In the view
"dataSource" => $this->dataStore("seriesItems"),