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Add Button in DataTable's Server Processing #878

Closed SOFMAN opened this topic on on May 17, 2019 - 3 comments

SOFMAN commented on May 17, 2019

I need to add a button to a DataTables column, but "formatValue" does not work in Server Processing. How can I add a button?

I have the following code `... "columns" => array(

        "codigo_item" => array("label" => "CODIGO ITEM"),
        "nombre_item" => array("label" => "NOMBRE ITEM"),
        "numero_serie" => array("label" => "SERIE"),
        "tipo_doc_mov_serie_item" => array("label" => "TIPO DOCUMENTO"),
        "numero_documento" => array("label" => "NÂș DOCUMENTO"),
        "nombre_bodega" => array("label" => "BODEGA"),
        "disponibilidad_item_serie" => array("label" => "DISPONIBILIDAD"),
        "integridad_item_serie" => array("label" => "INTEGRIDAD"),
        "razon_social_cliente" => array("label" => "CLIENTE"),
        "razon_social_proveedor" => array("label" => "PROVEEDOR"),
        "nombres_usuario" => array("label" => "CREADO POR"),
        "fecha_hora_creacion_ultimo_movimiento" => array("label" => "FECHA CREACION"),
        "serie_item" => array(
            "formatValue" => function ($value) {
                return '<a class="btn btn-primary" href="' . url('mostrarItemsFacturaHoy/' . $value) . '" >Detalle</a>';

    "serverSide" => true,

... `

in the view does not show the button

SOFMAN commented on May 20, 2019

Please answer I need help

David Winterburn commented on May 24, 2019


If "formatValue" doesn't work for you in this case, please try to pipe through a Map process like this:

->pipe(new \koolreport\processes\Map(array(
    "{value}" => function($row) {
        $value = $row["serie_item"];
        $value = '<a class="btn btn-primary" href="' . url('mostrarItemsFacturaHoy/' . $value) . '" >Detalle</a>';
        $row["serie_item"] = $value;
        return $row;

Let us know if this works for you or not. Thanks!

SOFMAN commented on May 24, 2019

Thanks, yes, it worked

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