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Average trend lines that change based on DateRangePicker #852

Open Rajesh opened this topic on on May 6, 2019 - 1 comments

Rajesh commented on May 6, 2019

Hello KoolReport,

We would like to build a bar chart with average trend lines. Sample data for this chart is below.

Date Revenue Margin

4/27/2019 100.6 97.25

4/28/2019 14.58 14.04

4/29/2019 16.38 15.81

4/30/2019 94.724 91.223

5/1/2019 150.4 96.282

5/2/2019 102.485 99.095

5/3/2019 16.38 15.81

5/4/2019 94.724 91.223

5/5/2019 150.4 96.282

We would like to build AverageRevenue and AverageMargin trendlines into the bar chart that shows revenue and margin bars by date. The trend lines should change based on the daterangepicker input control. Could you please let us know what would be the best approach to implement average trend lines that change based on input selection from DateRangePicker control?

Please let us know if there is any example related to average trend lines working based on daterangepicker input control.



KoolReport commented on May 7, 2019

Please have a look at this thread

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