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PDF Design help #849

Open Keerthiga opened this topic on on May 3, 2019 - 2 comments

Keerthiga commented on May 3, 2019

Hi team, I have created PDF using koolreport. When i export to PDF the table design will spliced. If there is any solution to print the table with responsive to the PDF page.

for example here is my table , i need to export all those details to PDF

But, in my pdf it shown like

Can you please help me to solve the issue. Thanks!

KoolReport commented on May 7, 2019

The table in pdf has limited space. Please try to save the space, for example format the number columns so that the number be shorter. In the worst case, try to remove columns, because the space is limited and seems there is no responsive in table in pdf.

Keerthiga commented on May 9, 2019

Hi team, I have tried to create pdf , but i have empty page in last. how can i avoid empty page in koolteport. please refer the attached screenshot. Can you please help me to resolve the issue. Thanks!

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