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Data Insert and update in Pivot Table #841

Open Carlos Eduardo Luminatti opened this topic on on Apr 30, 2019 - 10 comments

Carlos Eduardo Luminatti commented on Apr 30, 2019

Hi Guys how are you ?

Some solutions in the market nowadays offers the update data cells in Pivot tablet.

Is possible to implement this in Koolreport?

David Winterburn commented on Apr 30, 2019

Hi Carlos,

Where do you want to update data cells in PivotTable to? Thanks!

Carlos Eduardo Luminatti commented on Apr 30, 2019

Hello, how are you ? I did not quite understand your question. The idea is that data fields are editable if you use a table as a datasource and not a query. I do not know if I'm being clear ...

David Winterburn commented on May 1, 2019

Hi Carlos,

Thanks for your feedback! The data in a PivotTable is aggregated (sum, count, etc) from a data source. Even if the data source is a table in a database, I think we can't update it back to the table. Says the PivotTable is summed/total sales from an Orders table, if we edit the summed/total sales how do we update it back to the Orders table?

Carlos Eduardo Luminatti commented on May 1, 2019

Hi David, how are you? Thanks for the answer. Can I post here an example of a competitor? If you do not find it smart to post I can talk to you at celuminatti@gmail.com to show you an example. This example applies the aggregations in the totalizers when rendering the pivot. But we data fields are the actual values ​​that are in the table cells of the database. Business Intelligence tools have one that does this. And components for web has 2 companies that has worked this way. It's a suggestion ... including this one I wanted to show you, it has a normal pivot that works with the query and another that is editable and only aggregates the totalizers as I told you.

Carlos Eduardo Luminatti commented on May 1, 2019

David, can you get me a discount to re-sign your other tool suite? A KoolPHP? But I'm going to ask for some modifications in the component that I already use.

David Winterburn commented on May 1, 2019

Hi Carlos,

For any sales question, please send an email to sales@koolphp.net. Thanks!

Carlos Eduardo Luminatti commented on May 1, 2019

Ok. Did you see this ?

Hi David, how are you? Thanks for the answer. Can I post here an example of a competitor? If you do not find it smart to post I can talk to you at celuminatti@gmail.com to show you an example. This example applies the aggregations in the totalizers when rendering the pivot. But we data fields are the actual values ​​that are in the table cells of the database. Business Intelligence tools have one that does this. And components for web has 2 companies that has worked this way. It's a suggestion ... including this one I wanted to show you, it has a normal pivot that works with the query and another that is editable and only aggregates the totalizers as I told you.

David Winterburn commented on May 1, 2019

Hi Carlos,

I didn't see any link or screenshot. Feel free to post any demo of the features you ask for. Thanks!

Carlos Eduardo Luminatti commented on May 1, 2019

Please Pay Attention to the Second example:


David Winterburn commented on May 2, 2019

Thanks, Carlos! We will see your demo for ideas.

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