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What new packages or features for KoolReport do you like? #785

Open KoolReport opened this topic on on Apr 6, 2019 - 1 comments

KoolReport commented on Apr 6, 2019

What features do you want for future KoolReport?

  1. A new theme
  2. C3JS Library
  3. FusionChart library: We are still debate on this since FusionChart is commercial package, we can provide the koolreport's wrapper but still you need the license of it and it is triple the price of KoolReport :(
  4. HighChart: same argument as FusionChart
  5. Google
    1. Google Analytics DataSource: Connect to google analytics
    2. Google Speadsheet Datasource: Connect to your speadsheet
    3. Google Big Query Datasource
  6. Machine Learning package: Support machine learning algorithm, save model, making prediction.
  7. Install KoolReport Pro with composer: KoolReport Pro subscriber is able to install pro version using composer
  8. Pivot Chart: Instead of showing data in table form, it show charts when we open a pivot dimension.
  9. KoolReport Code Generator: Drag & drop, select options to build report.
  10. ....
  11. ....

Your comments, ideas or suggestions?

John commented on Oct 16, 2023

I'm looking for a method to connect to my Google analytics account. Is this possible somehow? I'm also interested to show some Facebook metrics in my Kooldashboard. Also i'm very interested on machine learning integration.

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