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Control over Cube view #748

Closed Eugene opened this topic on on Mar 17, 2019 - 4 comments

Eugene commented on Mar 17, 2019

Hi, Below you can find the result of my cube process

Everything is ok but I would like to have a bit more control over the widget.

The problem is that the number of columns (dates) is variable and depend on the report parameter. So I can not set these columns in the Table widget as I do it usually using the "column" properties
How could I

  1. move the Total ({all}) column to the end of the table
  2. align text in date columns
  3. hide the date columns using a checkbox (sure I can add some logic and create 2 tables - one with the total column only and show only one of the tables depending on the checkbox state) but maybe there is a more elegant way?
David Winterburn commented on Mar 18, 2019

Hi Eugene,

In your view file of your report, I think you could retrieve the list of the columns of any datastore generated by the Cube process. Here's an example of setting the columns' css style:

$columnsMeta = $this->dataStore('salesCube')->meta()["columns"];
$columnNames = array_key($columnsMeta);
$columnSetting = [];
foreach ($columnNames as $colName) {
    if ($colName !== "{{all}}" {
        array_push($columnSetting, array(
            $colName => array(
                "cssStyle" => "text-align: right",
    "dataSource" => $this->dataStore('salesCube'), 
    "columns" => $columnSetting,

Similarly, you could choose to display certain columns or not now that you have had their names.

Eugene commented on Mar 19, 2019

Thank you David, I understood your idea but I met some problem Below is what I get (I have also changed a typo in array_keys), the $columnSetting looks also correct but the result is not that is expected

David Winterburn commented on Mar 19, 2019

Hi Eugene,

My bad, please change the following lines:

        array_push($columnSetting, array(
            $colName => array(
                "cssStyle" => "text-align: right",


        $columnSetting[$colName] = array(
            "cssStyle" => "text-align: right",

Let us know if it works for you. Thanks!

Eugene commented on Mar 19, 2019

Yes, I've found it also already. Thanks

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