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Count in Group Process? #742

Open Michael Menefee opened this topic on on Mar 14, 2019 - 2 comments

Michael Menefee commented on Mar 14, 2019

Is it possible to add the count function to a Group during the processing stage? (i.e. prior to a table). The table group itself supports it "The count of group items is available in pre-defined variable name "{count}".", but if all I want are summaries, I have to hide the table items, whereas if I group at the processing stage, the table visualization becomes much simpler.

Thanks for your help in looking at this.

KoolReport commented on Mar 14, 2019

You mean you only want to show the group with summary and hide all those details, you can collapse or expand details if you want.

KoolReport commented on Mar 14, 2019

You mean you only want to show the group with summary and hide all those details, you can collapse or expand details if you want.

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