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How to use data as Array in setup() ? #712

Closed Frank TheDoor opened this topic on on Feb 26, 2019 - 1 comments

Frank TheDoor commented on Feb 26, 2019

I use laravel and prefer to build the data myself (with eloquent Models) rather than retrieve the query and ask the report to build it.

I am confused about dataSource/dataSources/dataStore property/method. How can I add the Array to the report class in the setup method. I expect something similar to:

  function setup()
    $data = Device::where('customer','1')->get()->toArray();
    $this->dataSources('billable', $data); 
//or maybe

I have seen the following in a report.view.php sample, but would like to pass the $data to the report.view.php from the class, not write it directly in the view:

$data = array(


Frank TheDoor commented on Feb 26, 2019

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