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Is KoolReport capable of exporting data to excel of 2 millions records in a single shot? #654

Open balaram opened this topic on on Feb 7, 2019 - 3 comments

balaram commented on Feb 7, 2019

is Kool Report capable of exporting data to excel of 2 million records in single shot ?

KoolReport commented on Feb 7, 2019

Under the hood, we use the official library PHPOffice/PhpSpreadsheet of Microsoft. So it should be the best way to create Excel file. It is possible to handle that large of dataset, remember to:

  1. May be you should off the max execution time to avoid timeout
  2. Increase memory for PHP
  3. Stronger server CPU will help as well.
Eo Yoonmin commented on Sep 8, 2020

Dear KoolReport team

My problem is same, I can't select more 25,000 rows data...

I want know about

1.May be you should off the max execution time to avoid timeout

How can I do that?

(I already increase memory 128M for PHP, and I using Codeigniter, laravel illuminate DB)

David Winterburn commented on Sep 11, 2020

Hi Yoonmin,

With a lot of data, exporting to excel is expected to take some time to produce the xlsx file. For example, with 2 million rows, 6 million cells (3 cells per row), BigSpreadsheetExportable could take from 8-20 minutes. In that case please try to increase max_execution_time in your php.ini file. The location of php.ini depends on your OS and software. Remember to restart your http server after changing as well.

Let us know if there's any issue with that. Thanks!

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