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Running Koolreport under Joomla #593

Open Alex Chartier opened this topic on on Jan 16, 2019 - 2 comments

Alex Chartier commented on Jan 16, 2019

I have just recently completed some reports under Joomla so thought I would write down how I did it for others.

First, get a copy of Koolreports. Create a directory under JPATH_ROOT/libraries called koolreport. Unzip your koolreport into this directory.

Second, get a copy of the JUMI extension and install it. Get this from the Joomla Extensions Directory.

Third, create a directory somewhere under JPATH_ROOT for your koolreports reports. Under this directory create a new directory for each report and place your koolreport index.php and other related files in their respective directory. Remember to include the koolreports autoload at the top of your index.php, like this: require_once(JPATH_LIBRARIES.'/koolreport/autoload.php');

Fourth, create a new JUMI app. In the custom php section add the <?php followed by an include statement to include the appropriate index.php of the report you want. Or, you can point the pathname to the index.php file.

Fifth, create a menu of type JUMI and select the app you just created.

Now you can access the Koolreport from your Joomla menu system.

Alex Chartier commented on Jan 16, 2019

Making a more versatile reporting process.

The above process allows you to create great koolreports but it does not allow you to customize the reports at runtime. In my case I needed to be able to insert user selected variables such as date range, event selection, etc. at the start of the report process. I did this using Fabrik, a great free Joomla extension.

I will not go into how to develop a Fabrik application. You will need to learn that process on your own. Assuming you know how to do that:

Create a new Fabrik From (do not create a List). On the form processing tab make sure you select NO for Record to Database. On the plugins tab add a redirect plugin. On the jump page insert the URL created by the JUMI menu created above, it will look like index.php?option=com_jumi&view=application&fileid=?? where ?? is the jumi application fileid for your koolreport. Also make sure you select Append jump url with date to YES.

Now create the various elements you want for the form. Create a new menu item that points to this new Fabrik Form.

When the form is submitted Fabrik will redirect to the JUMI app and include the selected form data. In your koolreport index.php file you can obtain these input variables through JInput and pass them to the various processing parts of your report.

Hope this helps some of you.

KoolReport commented on Jan 16, 2019


Thank you very much for this, Alex :)

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