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Fatal error: Trait 'koolreport\amazing\Theme' not found #558

Open Rob Allen opened this topic on on Dec 12, 2018 - 2 comments

Rob Allen commented on Dec 12, 2018

Any ideas on the following error: Fatal error: Trait 'koolreport\amazing\Theme' not found in XXX\examples\reports\datagrid\datatables_searching\MyReport.php on line 8

Version 3.1 PHP 5.6.25, PHP 7.2.10 (tried both)

Andrew Borell commented on Dec 12, 2018

Confirmed. I have koolreports pro 3.0.0 installed. Cannot find a file with traits in the source or packages. Only tests and examples. I think there should be a folder under the clients directory called Amazing.

When I search the source for "amazing" (case-insensitive) this is all I find:


line 2: 	namespace koolreport\amazing;
line 20:	$I->amOnPage('/amazing/general');


line 6:		vendor/bin/codecept generate:test unit koolreport\amazing\AmazingTheme
line 6:		vendor/bin/codecept generate:test unit koolreport\amazing\AmazingTheme
line 18:	vendor/bin/codecept run unit koolreport\amazing\AmazingThemeTest
line 18:	vendor/bin/codecept run unit koolreport\amazing\AmazingThemeTest
line 34:	vendor/bin/codecept generate:cest amazing\Theme
line 46:	vendor/bin/codecept run acceptance amazing\ThemeCest


line 2:		namespace koolreport\amazing;
line 4:		class AmazingThemeTest extends \Codeception\Test\Unit
line 23:	$theme = new AmazingTheme($report);
line 34:	$theme = new AmazingTheme(null);
line 46:	$theme = new AmazingTheme(null);


line 5:		use \koolreport\amazing\Theme;


line 3:		<title>Test Amazing Theme</title>
line 6:		<h1>Test Amazing Theme</h1>
KoolReport commented on Dec 13, 2018

You may just remove the trait for now. It is because we are creating the amazing theme however it is not completed yet due to the time-constraint so we decided to postpone releasing. The theme will be released as an add-on package and of course be available in KoolReport Pro as well. Thank you very much.

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