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Error producing chart when part of a drilldown #546

Open Alex Chartier opened this topic on on Dec 5, 2018 - 2 comments

Alex Chartier commented on Dec 5, 2018

I have a chart that when I process it in the view by itself renders just fine. Here is the code:

						"title"=>"All Events",
							"amount"=>array("label"=>"Amount Collected", "type"=>"number", "prefix"=>"$", 
								"annotation"=>function($row) {
									return "$".number_format($row['amount']);

Now when I place this same chart inside a drilldown I get an error: Call to a member function countData() on null at libraries/koolreport/packages/chartjs/Chart.php:178

Here is the code as a drilldown:

    	"title"=>"Event Transaction Report",
    			"Title"=>"All Events",
    			"content"=>function($params, $scope) {
						"title"=>"All Events",
							"amount"=>array("label"=>"Amount Collected", "type"=>"number", "prefix"=>"$", 
								"annotation"=>function($row) {
									return "$".number_format($row['amount']);

Any ideas of what I am doing wrong here?

KoolReport commented on Dec 5, 2018

The problem is the variable $byEvent is not available in the function containing the ColumnChart, you need to do this:

"content"=>function($params,$scope) use ($byEvent) {
Alex Chartier commented on Dec 5, 2018

Yes, that works, Thank you.

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