Hello Kool Team,
Can you educate me on how to create a new datastore from an existing query without developing a new query?
Can I create a new datastore for the following senario :
__ $this->src('nakdef')
SELECT a.applicant_id,
coalesce(applied_community,'Minor communities') as applied_community,
coalesce(institution_type,'Not specified') as institution_type,
(total_budget/cast(duration_of_support as numeric)) as total_term_fees,
total_budget,sum(payment_amount) as paid, total_budget-sum(payment_amount) as balance
v_applicant a
inner join nak_applicant_payment b on a.applicant_id=b.applicant_id
group by application_code,applicant_name,a.applicant_id,
coalesce(applied_community,'Minor communities'),total_budget,
coalesce(institution_type,'Not specified'),
(total_budget/cast(duration_of_support as numeric))
I want to create another datastore from the saved $result_raw variable with the following fields and aggregated columns only
applied_community, count(applicant_id) as no of applicants, sum(total_budget) as total_budget_by_community sum(paid) as total_paid_by_community, sum(balance) as total_balance_by_community
Counting on your prompt assistance?