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Export To PDF #508

Open Tracx opened this topic on on Nov 1, 2018 - 6 comments

Tracx commented on Nov 1, 2018

Hi, I am trying to implement an export to pdf button utilizing the Export Package using Laravel. I've added the button in my view, and the file that has my export code is in the same directory (it's not the same as the export package files). We manually installed KoolReport on our server.

I have the reports set up and the button there, but when I press it, it simply says "No Input File Selected."

I've been trying to find some documentation on how to get started and what not but it all seems very minimal. Please let me know what sort of information you need to see


KoolReport commented on Nov 2, 2018

Could you please show me a little of your code and folder structure.

Tracx commented on Nov 2, 2018

I'm not 100% sure of everything i need to share so i'll try to include as much as I can. I should also note that the reports themselves show up in the browesr, it's just my export to pdf thing that isn't working

General Folder Structure (redacted any non-essential/confidential material)

KoolReport Folder Structure

DailyDispatchFrontline.php settings (There's a lot of code here but i figured that the settings is more what you're after)


DailyDispatchFrontline.view.php part 2


Please let me know if there is anything else you guys need. I didn't copy a lot of the code just due to the fact that most of it is displaying the data and most of it is just repeats of what's before it. If you do need to see entire files, let me know

David Winterburn commented on Nov 6, 2018

Hi Tracx,

In the DispatchExport.php file, please uncomment this line:


For a report to either render to html or export to any format, it needs to run (process) first. Let me know if this fixes the No input file problem. Thanks!

Tracx commented on Nov 6, 2018

Still says No Input File specified. I remember reading somewhere to try commenting that line out, hence why it was commented out. Is there a specific setting we need to enable or disable? Or is it something to do with our file structure?


Tracx commented on Dec 21, 2018

Just curious if anyone has had any luck in figuring out our issues?

David Winterburn commented on Dec 24, 2018

Hi Tracx,

Would you please post the php code for your latest report's setting and export files for us to check upon? Thanks!

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