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Chart loading issue #444

Open sneha narnaware opened this topic on on Sep 3, 2018 - 3 comments

sneha narnaware commented on Sep 3, 2018

Hi Support Team,

i'm using Bootstrap JS Tab... to shows the charts

when 1st tab is active its shows full charts but in another tabs charts come up with half view (its width become half )

(its doesn't see on tab ) could you please take a look on charts...

when I inspect it, its shows full....

Why these chart shows half

KoolReport commented on Sep 5, 2018

There is always problem when we initiate the chart in a hidden div. It will make chart failed to realize the true size. The solution is that when your tab is fully show ( may be though event of Bootstrap tab) then you re draw the charts. Please assign a name to your chart and use that name to redraw chart at client-side:


Then later at client-side you can call:


to draw the chart again!

Dav commented on Jul 13, 2021

You can modify the googlechart.js and add the following code on the first function thas refresh when the resize event is load :

file : "koolreport/core/src/widgets/google/clients/googlechart.js"


$(document).on('shown.bs.tab', 'a[data-toggle="tab"]', this.redraw.bind(this));


With this, when you are using bootstrap with tabs, it could be refresh automatically all charts

KoolReport commented on Jul 13, 2021

Thanks @Dav for your solution.

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