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KoolReport Pro Not Working on Server – 500 Internal Server Error #3421

Open Mustajab Ahmed opened this topic on on Mar 4 - 1 comments

Mustajab Ahmed commented on Mar 4

I have purchased the KoolReport Pro package and successfully set it up on my local system by following the provided instructions. It is working fine locally. However, after deploying the application on the server and following the same installation steps, the packages are installed, but the application is not working properly, throwing a 500 Internal Server Error.

I have used the same authentication token for both the local and live server. Please guide me on how to resolve this issue. Do I need to update the authentication token on the server, or is there another solution?

Sebastian Morales commented on Mar 13

Pls describe your project's folder structure and post your report's php code for us to check them for you. Tks,

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