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CSS not loaded on subsequent widgets when value of "library" is the same #3418

Open Nathan Skelton opened this topic on on Feb 12 - 1 comments

Nathan Skelton commented on Feb 12

If you have multiple widgets that have the same value set for library, only the assets from the first widget on the page with the same library value are loaded.

To help visualize this issue, I have 3 widgets (BSelect, DateRangePicker, and Datatable with rowgroups) on the page and this is the resulting css hrefs to be added. Note the primary value in the first and last entries are the same. This results in KRDataTables.css and datatables.min.css not being loaded from the last entry.

This appears to be a problem in KoolReport.js where checkLinksAndCallback() is not called in these instances. To test this theory, I added this.checkLinksAndCallback(); to the end of the registerLink method and things worked as expected.

Sebastian Morales commented on Mar 13

Thank you for your feedback. Do you have any way to reproduce this issue? When we put those widgets in a report together we see that all the CSS resource files are still loaded, including KRDataTables.css and datatables.min.css.

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