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Dashboard Two selectlists - parent and child #3360

Open Marloes opened this topic on 5 days ago - 1 comments

Marloes commented 5 days ago


Is there a possibilty in de Dashboard to have 2 selectlists which are cascading? Just like: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/tryit.asp?filename=tryhow_js_cascading_dropdown

So you have a parent seleclists which reloads the dataset of it's child seleclist.

With kind regards, Marloes

Sebastian Morales commented 4 days ago

I think it's possible. You need to catch the parent select's change and update the child select accordingly like this:

class MyBoard extends \koolreport\dashboard\Dashboard
    protected function widgets()

        return [

class BSelectParent extends \koolreport\dashboard\inputs\BSelect

    protected function actionChange($request, $response)
        $this->sibling("BSelectChild")->update(); // update the child select

class BSelectChild extends \koolreport\dashboard\inputs\BSelect

    protected function onInit()
        $parent = $this->sibling('BSelectParent')->value() ?? null; // scalar or array value depending on whether BSelectParent is single or multipel select
        $selectData = ...;
                "dataSource" => $selectData,
                    "value" => ...,
                    "text" => ...,

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