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Upgrading from 5.9.0 - can't get past 5.16.1 #3310

Open Keith Burke opened this topic on on Jun 11 - 20 comments

Keith Burke commented on Jun 11


I'm have a site on 5.9.0. Upgrading direct to the latest 6.5.0 was a disaster. However, I narrowed down one of my issues to a problem with 5.16.2.

When I upgraded to 5.16.1, all appeared to work. However, on 5.16.2, no data shows in the DataGrid. I don't get any errors, just no data except for data in my BSelect.

I'm using MySQLDataSource with PHP 8.2 and DataGrids.

Sebastian Morales commented on Jun 12

Pls update to a new version, then open your datagrid/DataTables report page with dev tool (F12) opened, reload the page and see if there is any red line error message in the console. If there is any, pls copy the whole error stack trace for us to check it for you.

Keith Burke commented on Jun 12

Upgraded to 5.16.2 and followed your instructions. There are no errors in the console and no data in the DataGrid. There are warnings, but there are warnings on 5.15.1 when things work perfectly, too.

Keith Burke commented on Jun 12

It's also not a caching issue. I removed all assets from /assets/kool-assets [my custom assets folder] , ran the report again and still no data nor errors.

Keith Burke commented on Jun 12

I've tried PHP 7.4, 8.1 and 8.2. Problem persists with all of these PHP versions.

Sebastian Morales commented on Jun 12

Pls post your DataTables' create code as well as some of your data sample if possible. Try to use an array as datasource or some of our DataTables' examples to see how they work.

Keith Burke commented on Jun 12

So, using array, everything worked well. With this in mind, I started looking at vendor/koolreprt/core/src/datasources/MySQLDataSource.php

The problem is in this file and specifically the prepareAndBind function. This is the only function that changed in this file between 5.16.1 and 5.16.2.

If I upgrade to 5.16.2 and replace MySQLDataSource.php with the 5.16.1 version, everything works perfectly. I'll dig a little deeper to find out why 5.16.2 is broken for MySQL.

Keith Burke commented on Jun 12

Upgrading to the latest KR Pro 6.5.0 and copying over 5.16.1 MySQLDataSource.php appears to fix all problems too but it's a very brief look over a few reports.

Keith Burke commented on Jun 24

Any update on this?

Sebastian Morales commented on Jul 2

I think there could be a bug with MySQLDataSource in some older versions, such as 5.16.1. If you could use a newer version without issue that would be good. If you must use 5.16.1, copying and overwriting MySQLDataSource from the latest version to 5.16.1 would be one solution. Let us know if there's any issue with either way.

Keith Burke commented on Jul 2

Unfortunately not. The problem persists in the latest version. Using MySQL from 5.16.1 would be a short term fix but future upgrades would be very difficult to automate.

Is there an ETA for the fix?

Sebastian Morales commented on Jul 3

Would you mind sending us your report's setup code including sql query and params (via email to support@koolreport.com if it is confidential), which don't work with MySQLDataSource in the latest version?

Keith Burke commented on Jul 17

Sorry for the delayed response, I've narrowed down the issue to using the DateTimePicker as parameters in a query. It doesn't seem to be affected by a BSelect.

If I replace :start and :end with actual dates, the report runs and shows data properly. If I leave in the :start and :end parameters, the report runs but shows no data in the DataGrid.

15.6.2 appears to have introduced this issue and it remains in the latest version.

A simple example is below...

Create a table called table and put in at least two columns, names and last_updated. Populate one or two rows and run the report.

test.php `

include ("../../../vendor/autoload.php");

class Test extends koolreport\KoolReport {

use \koolreport\clients\Bootstrap;
use \koolreport\inputs\Bindable;
use \koolreport\inputs\POSTBinding;
protected function defaultParamValues()
    ->query("Select name from table;")
    $data = $this->dataStore("select_names_result")->data();      
    $list = array();        
    foreach ($data as $item)
        $list[] = $item["name"];
    return array(
        "startDatePicker"=>date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('-1 days')),
        "endDatePicker"=>date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('-1 days')),

protected function bindParamsToInputs()
    return array(

public function settings()
    $config = include "../../includes/config.php";
    return $config;

public function setup()

    ->query("Select * from table
                Where last_updated between :start and :end
                    And name IN (:names)

} `

Keith Burke commented on Jul 17

Test.view.php `

use \koolreport\datagrid\DataTables;
use \koolreport\inputs\BSelect;    
use \koolreport\inputs\DateTimePicker;    
			"placeholder"=>"Select Name",
			'options' => array(
				'numberDisplayed' => 5,
				'includeSelectAllOption' => true

Keith Burke commented on Jul 17

config.php ` return array(

        "host"=>"ip address",
        "class" => "\koolreport\datasources\MySQLDataSource"

); `

Keith Burke commented on Jul 17

Sorry, the code tags don't like intermixed php and html. I stripped out all html formatting.

Sebastian Morales commented on Jul 18

We can't seem to replicate your result using the current MySQLDataSource. Would you pls try this example with MySQLDataSource and let us know the result:


Keith Burke commented on Jul 19

Ok, I've investigated more. I implemented your test "order_list", which was a little painful as that report is incorrect relating to the sample data. It's employee data and not order / order detail / products data. That report DID NOT work with the MySQLDataSource.

To be clear, when I run the report, it works fine but when I select a customer and LOAD, no data displays.

I'm not sure how you can't replicate this issue with my test report above. I tested it both on MySQL 5.7.31 and MariaDB 10.11.6 with the exact same results but you have to select data from all three widgets as your orders report ignores one of the widgets entirely if nothing is selected. In my report, I select ALL enteries by default when the report runs. This is handled automatically in my test report above.

I'm running PHP 8.2 but I doubt that this has anything to do with it.

What I did find, is that this may not be related to the DateTimePicker only.

I ran a few tests with interesting results. There are three parameters in this query; :start. :end and :names

The SQL query that I'm going to alter for these tests `

->query("Select * from table
            Where last_updated between :start and :end
                And name IN (:names)
1. If I remove the ```And name IN (:names)``` to leave the below query, everything works fine
->query("Select * from table
            Where last_updated between :start and :end

2. If I use hardcoded dates, to leave the below query, everything works fine
->query("Select * from table
            Where last_updated between '2024-01-01' and '2025-01-01'
                And name IN (:names)
3. If I remove the dates entirely, to leave the below query, everything works fine
->query("Select * from table
            Where name IN (:names)

4. However, the original query just fails to run without error
Sebastian Morales commented on Jul 22

Thank you for your detail feedback! We found the bug accordingly and a fix will be available in the next version of KoolReport. Meanwhile you could apply the fix by opening the file MySQLDataSource.php and replace the following line:

            $arr = [$typeStr] + $newParams;

with this one:

            $arr = [$typeStr] + $sortedPosNewParams;

Let us know how it works for you. Tks,

Keith Burke commented on Jul 22


That now works. Well done on finding and fixing the bug.

Let me apologise for my words in an earlier message. I was having a bad day unrelated to this issue. What I said was unprofessional, did nothing to help resolve the issue and shouldn't have been said. Please also send on my apologies to your dev team.

"I'm not sure how you can't replicate this issue with my test report above. I tested it both on MySQL 5.7.31 and MariaDB 10.11.6 with the exact same results"

Sebastian Morales commented on Jul 24

Thank you for your understanding and patience, Keith! We really value your detail feedback and description of the issue, which contributed much to help find and fix the bug so that you, our team, and other users could gain from. Cheers,

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