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How to use FileUploader in my CustomBoard #3288

Closed Eugene opened this topic on on May 14, 2024 - 5 comments

Eugene commented on May 14, 2024

I want to upload an Excel file in my index view and then use the data from it in another view that should be rendered after it is uploaded.

Similar to your CustomBoard example where you use Select input, but in my case I am confused about how to render the second view after the file is uploaded.

KoolReport commented on May 15, 2024

The view of CustomBoard will work with normal widgets from KoolReport Pro like the Select of koolreport/inputs package. The FileUploader of Dashboard Framework will not work inside normal view of CustomBoard. But I think, to complete your requirement, the normal Dashboard will work well. In the dashboard, you will add a fileuploader and a table widget, on file uploaded, you will save file to a place and then update the table, the table datasource will read the file and show data.

Eugene commented on May 15, 2024

Okay... but I suggest adding this feature (the possibility to add FileUploader to the view) to CustomBoard it will make CustomBoard more universal and flexible.

Eugene commented on May 15, 2024

I wish to make something like a wizard with some steps. I have an idea of how to easily do it with CustomBoard but the usage of the normal Dashboard will require more manual work with JS to organize step-by-step logic...

KoolReport commented on May 18, 2024

If you want to make the wizard, it will be better to use the FlexView, here is the documentation:


The FlexView support multiple views and you can change between them, you can send the parameters between views as well. It is totally customizable as you need. You can use the FlexView to make wizard or drilldown is also fine.

Let look at our example of FlexView in which we turn FlexView into drilldown, sending parameter level by level.

So in your case, you can make a view 1 with FileUploader, after complete, you change it to second view with result.

Please explore and let me know if you need further instruction.

Eugene commented on May 18, 2024

Thanks, I will try

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