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Drilldown Parameter Passing Issue. #3269

Open Sands Consulting opened this topic on on Mar 19 - 2 comments

Sands Consulting commented on Mar 19

Hi there, I'm having issues with using Koolreport's Drilldown package. The current issue that I am facing with is the parameter passage. There are two levels of my chart report, the at the first level, the parameter that is passed persists and does appear to be working, but when it goes down a level, it does not appear to be set. From my understanding of this drilldown feature, it uses a post method to change the charts. although doesn't change the fact that the parameter is not passed.

This is my myReport.view.php

Sands Consulting commented on Mar 19

Notice that i used a function in the myReport.php in order to get the data, but because of the parameter is not passed, It didn't work properly.

Sebastian Morales commented on Mar 20

In the 2nd drilldown level, the report doesn't know inputs/parameters "year_at", "name_at" because they are not passed from the 1st level. Pls try the following next command in the 1st level:

                                    year_at:" . $this->params["year_at"] . "
                                    name_at:" . $this->params["name_at"] . "

By the way, pls post your code by text instead of screenshot next time.

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