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Cloud Export landscape not working #3266

Open Adolfo Alonso opened this topic on on Mar 16 - 3 comments

Adolfo Alonso commented on Mar 16

Hello, IM now using cloud export to generate PDF files, the problem I have is that my PDF keeps geting portrait mode when I have landscape enabled.


require_once "MyReport.php";
$mes = isset($_GET['fecha']) ? $_GET['fecha'] : date('M Y');
$mes = date("M Y",strtotime($mes)); 
$settings = array(
	'useLocalTempFolder' => true,
	'pageWaiting' => 'networkidle2', //load, domcontentloaded, networkidle0, networkidle2
	'autoDeleteLocalTempFile' => false,
$pdfOptions = array(
	'noRepeatTableFooter' => true,
	'scale' => 0.83,
	'printBackground' => false,
	'margin' => [
		 'top'    => '50px',
		 'bottom' => '50px',
		 'right'  => '20px',
		 'left'   => '20px'
$report = new MyReport;
->toBrowser("Reporte RAV LINDE " . $mes . ".pdf");


Sebastian Morales commented on Mar 20

Pls try this pdf option to export a simple PDF view such as a view with only "Hello world" string to see if it outputs in landscape mode.

If it does but your report PDF view does not there could be some css rules in your view that prevent the page from printing in landscape. You could try to remove those rules half by half to see which specific one affects landscape printing.

Adolfo Alonso commented on Mar 20

Hello, I removed everything and still not working.


require_once "MyReport.php";
$mes = isset($_GET['fecha']) ? $_GET['fecha'] : date('M Y');
$mes = date("M Y",strtotime($mes)); 
$settings = array(
	'useLocalTempFolder' => false,
	'pageWaiting' => 'load', //load, domcontentloaded, networkidle0, networkidle2
	'autoDeleteLocalTempFile' => true,
$pdfOptions = array(
	'landscape'=> true,
	'noRepeatTableFooter' => true,
	'scale' => 0.83,
	'printBackground' => false,
	'margin' => array(
		 'top'    => '50px',
		 'bottom' => '50px',
		 'right'  => '20px',
		 'left'   => '20px'
$report = new MyReport;
->toBrowser("Reporte RAV " . $mes . ".pdf");


	<title>Reporte RAV</title>

Hello World


Sebastian Morales commented on Mar 20

Would you pls try our cloud export example here:


Then change 'landscape'=>false to 'landscape'=>true in file export.php and click Cloud PDF button to see how its PDF result is.

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