Hello, im trying to use CheckBoxList to select the items that will be used on a MySQL WHERE IN clause. So far I have populated the CheckBoxList but have the following problems.
- Everytime I click Submit the selected items clear
- How can I default all the items when first loading the site?
- How would I use the array on a WHERE IN clause?
// Require autoload.php from koolreport library
require_once "../../koolreport/core/autoload.php";
use \koolreport\processes\CalculatedColumn;
use \koolreport\processes\Sort;
use \koolreport\processes\AggregatedColumn;
use \koolreport\processes\AccumulativeColumn;
//Step 2: Creating Report class
class MyReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
use \koolreport\amazing\Theme;
use \koolreport\inputs\Bindable;
use \koolreport\inputs\POSTBinding;
protected function defaultParamValues()
return array(
"startDatePicker"=>date("Y-m-d 00:00:00"),
protected function bindParamsToInputs()
return array(
public function setup()
c.nombre AS conductor,
g.confirmacion_local_conductor AS sucursal,
SUM(IF(MONTH(g.eventtimemx) = 1, 1, 0)) AS Ene,
SUM(IF(MONTH(g.eventtimemx) = 2, 1, 0)) AS Feb,
SUM(IF(MONTH(g.eventtimemx) = 3, 1, 0)) AS Mar,
SUM(IF(MONTH(g.eventtimemx) = 4, 1, 0)) AS Abr,
SUM(IF(MONTH(g.eventtimemx) = 5, 1, 0)) AS May,
SUM(IF(MONTH(g.eventtimemx) = 6, 1, 0)) AS Jun,
SUM(IF(MONTH(g.eventtimemx) = 7, 1, 0)) AS Jul,
SUM(IF(MONTH(g.eventtimemx) = 8, 1, 0)) AS Ago,
SUM(IF(MONTH(g.eventtimemx) = 9, 1, 0)) AS Sep,
SUM(IF(MONTH(g.eventtimemx) = 10, 1, 0)) AS Oct,
SUM(IF(MONTH(g.eventtimemx) = 11, 1, 0)) AS Nov,
SUM(IF(MONTH(g.eventtimemx) = 12, 1, 0)) AS Dic
FROM tbl_guardian g
INNER JOIN tbl_conductor c ON c.conductorid = g.conductor
WHERE YEAR(g.eventtimemx) = :anio
AND confirmacion_clasificacion IN ('somnolencia', 'bostezar')
AND c.estatus = 1
AND g.cla_fp <> 1
AND g.conductor NOT IN (0, 22)
AND g.confirmacion_local_conductor IN (:sucursales)
GROUP BY conductor, sucursal")
":anio"=> $this->params["startDatePicker"],
":sucursales"=> $this->params["checkBoxList"]