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Apexcharts Multiview #3252

Open Melina Maccio opened this topic on on Feb 23 - 5 comments

Melina Maccio commented on Feb 23

Hi. I want two display two radar Apexcharts inside the same card. One is hidden the other one is visible. They change when I click on a toggle. How can I achieve that?

Melina Maccio commented on Feb 23

Right now I'm loading both charts but one of the with the 'hidden' attribute. But when I click on the toggle to unhide the chart I come up with a black div. The chart widget is there tho, but doesn't show.

Sebastian Morales commented on Feb 26

Could you pls provide your PHP codes for your charts and javascript codes for switching between the charts?

Melina Maccio commented on Feb 26

Of course. Here's the code:

<div class="col-md-4 mb-4">
    <div class="card" style="height: 100%;">
        <div class="card-header">
            <div class="card-actions float-end">
                <div class="dropdown position-relative">
                    <a href="#" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" data-bs-display="static">
                        <i class="align-middle" data-feather="more-horizontal"></i>
                    <div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end">
                        <a id="displayAveragePerCity" class="dropdown-item" href="#" hidden>Show margin per city</a>
                        <a id="displayAveragePerApplication" class="dropdown-item" href="#">Show margin per application</a>
            <h5 class="card-title mb-0">Margin Average (%)</h5>
        <!-- Per Application -->
        <div id="averagePerApplicationChart" class="card-body" hidden>
            $average_app_margin = $this->dataStore('average_margin_application')->toArray();

            if (!count($average_app_margin)) {
                echo '<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
                                            <span class="text-info text-sm-center">No data available</span>
            } else {

                foreach ($average_app_margin as &$row) {

                    $margin = floatval($row['total_margin'] ?? 0);
                    $row['total_margin'] = number_format($margin, 2, '.', '');

                    "dataSource" => $average_app_margin,
                    "columns" => array(
                        "job_application" => [
                            "label" => "Application"
                        "total_margin" => [
                            "label" => "Total Margin",
                            "type" => 'number',
                            "suffix" => "%",
                    "showLegend" => false,
                    "widthHeightAutoRatio" => 1.5

        <!-- Per City -->
        <div id="averagePerCityChart" class="card-body">
            $average_city_margin = $this->dataStore('average_margin_city')->toArray();

            foreach ($average_city_margin as &$row) {

                $margin = floatval($row['total_margin'] ?? 0);
                $row['total_margin'] = number_format($margin, 2, '.', '');

            echo json_encode($average_city_margin);

                "dataSource" => $average_city_margin,
                "columns" => array(
                    "client_city" => [
                        "label" => "City"
                    "total_margin" => [
                        "label" => "Total Margin",
                        "type" => 'number',
                        "suffix" => "%"
                "showLegend" => false,


        // Toggles between Margin per City and Application Charts
        $("document").ready(function() {
                $("div#averagePerApplicationChart").attr('hidden', true);
                $("a#displayAveragePerCity").attr('hidden', true);

                $('div#averagePerCityChart').attr('hidden', true);
                $("a#displayAveragePerApplication").attr('hidden', true);

Sebastian Morales commented on Feb 27

It could be the case that when the parent div of an ApexCharts chart is hidden, the chart itself could not be renderer correctly. Pls try the following solution:

  1. When you remove hidden attribute of a chart's parent div, redraw the chart with the following javascript command:
            "name" => "chart1", // a chart's PHP name is its client site object name as well
    function redrawChart1() {
        var apexchartsObj = chart1.chart(); //chart1 is KoolReport chart object
        // or:
        // window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); // window resize forces apexcharts' redraw

Let us know how this works for you.

Melina Maccio commented on Feb 27

It worked. Thank you so much!

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