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Feature ComparisonChart Free vs Pro ? #3232

Open Manfred Hoffmann opened this topic on on Jan 22 - 1 comments

Manfred Hoffmann commented on Jan 22

Hello there at KoolReport, I have done quite some search, but I fail to find any comparion-chart pointing out the difference between the free and pro version.

Or is this maybve the difference between the 2?

*. Free can be used with all free packages ....

*. and you can "cherry pick" non free packages as you need

*. as long as you use it alone (not a team)

*. While PRO includes almost all packages (except for Dashboard) and must be licensed according to your team-size ?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance, Manfred

P.S.: Seems i also don't understand how markdown is supposed to work here :-(

KoolReport commented on Jan 23

Hi Manfred,

Thank you very much for your interest in our product.

For your questions:

  1. KoolReport is free and can be used with any packages both free and not free (you can purchase a particular commercial package like Pivot, Cube or Export)
  2. Yes, that correct you can choose non-free packages as you need.
  3. The singular package licensed by project and nature of project. We have Regular license and Extended License for singular package. You can use with a team as long as a package is used within a project only.
  4. The KoolReport Pro = KoolReport Core + all packages (except for Dashboard, yes). The Dashboard is built on top of KoolReport Pro and required KoolReport Pro to work, it is sold as an add-on to KoolReport Pro and follow the license of KoolReport Pro.
  5. The KoolReport Pro is licensed by team-size. We have Developer License for single dev who is freelancer and work on individual projects. Team License is for small company, startup with team size <=5. Enterprise License is for big company and does not limit the number of devs as long as they are in company.

Let us know if you need further clarification.

Looking forward to serving you as our customer.

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