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How to convert timestamp / datetime to string? #3223

Open Jenni Yrjänä opened this topic on on Jan 5 - 3 comments

Jenni Yrjänä commented on Jan 5

Hello again!

I'm trying to display datetime / timestamp in a card. Is it so, that you can't display other than string or numbers in a card? Is there any options to display datetimes in a card?

This is the error I reseived:

Warning: number_format() expects parameter 1 to be double, string given in /var/www/html/cinetcampus/vendor/koolreport/core/src/core/Utility.php on line 148

Thanks in advance!

Sebastian Morales commented on Jan 8

You can try to format date data yourself and use ->raw(true) for your card:

$dateData = "2024-01-08";
$formattedDateString = date("d-m-Y", strtotime($dateData));
return $formattedDateString;
Jenni Yrjänä commented on Jan 9

I don't know how to work with that example you gave me.

Where I place "->raw(true)" (In setup function it gives fatal error message) ?

Where I place the other part of the code?

It would be easier to ask how do I display timestamp in a card?

What I want to do is to:

Fetch timestamp from database (this works fine) and pipe result to a card.

What I write and where I write it (example.php file or example.view.php file)?

Sebastian Morales commented on Jan 11

Oh sorry, did you use normal KoolReport reports or Dashboard framework and which widgets did you use?

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