I encounter a problem where i created a Drilldown on my Dashboard. The error occur where i created a filter on my dashboard and i want to pass the parameter chosen by the filter and pass into my second level of DrillDown report. I can only successfully passed the parameter only on the first level and it works just fine, but when enter the second level of DrillDown Report the paramater "$range" does not passed and when i try test to output its return null value. Also how do i assigned the second parameter to my second level mysql query of the report? Is there a solution for my problem?
$range = $this->sibling("AgencyNameLookup")->value();
return [
->title("Agency ".$range)
->dataSource(function($params, $scope) use ($range) {
return MyTable::rawSQL(
..//my mysql statement
where agency.name = :AgencyName
..//my mysql statement
return "Year ".$parameter["Year"];
->dataSource(function($params, $scope) {
return JohorPay::rawSQL(
..//my mysql statement
where agency.name = :AgencyName
and year(order.created_date) = :Year
..//my mysql statement
"formatValue"=>function($value) {
return date('M', mktime(0, 0, 0, $value, 10));
Thanks in advance.
Regards, Afieq