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Line chart as being disabled on initial load #3172

Open Adolfo Alonso opened this topic on on Oct 17, 2023 - 3 comments

Adolfo Alonso commented on Oct 17, 2023

Hello, is it possible to mark a dataset in a line chart as being disabled on initial load?

KoolReport commented on Oct 17, 2023

Would you mind to share the chart code?

Adolfo Alonso commented on Oct 17, 2023

Sure, its actually column chart, I would like to hide "81 - 85 km/hr" on load.

<div class="example">
		"title"=>"Excesos de Velocidad",
			"81 - 85"=>array(
				"label"=>"81 - 85 km/hr",
			"86 - 90"=>array(
				"label"=>"86 - 90 km/hr",
			"91 - 95"=>array(
				"label"=>"91 - 95 km/hr",
			"96 - 100"=>array(
				"label"=>"> 96 km/hr", ##"label"=>"96 - 100 km/hr",
			/*"101 - 105"=>array(
				"label"=>"101 - 105 km/hr",
			"> 106"=>array(
				"label"=>"> 106 km/hr",
		"options" => array(
			"scales" => array(
				"yAxes" => array(
				array( // add a layer of array here
					"ticks" => array(
						"callback" => "function(value, index, values) {return value.toFixed(0);}"	

Sebastian Morales commented on Oct 17, 2023

You can try to hide a series on load with the following javascript function in a chart's "onReady":

        "name" => "MyChart", // set a unique chart name to access its javascript object
        "onReady" => "function() {
            var chartjsObj = MyChart.chart;
            chartjsObj.getDatasetMeta(0).hidden = true; // set the first series to be hidden
            chartjsObj.chart.update(); // redraw the chart

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