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How to add hyperlink in visual query builder report #3039

Open Komuraiah A opened this topic on on Apr 25, 2023 - 9 comments

Komuraiah A commented on Apr 25, 2023

Hi , Am trying to add hyperlink in visual query builder report columns. can you explain how to add links in selected columns in visual query report.

Komuraiah A commented on Apr 26, 2023

hi team, am still waiting for your reply. please reply asap thanks.

Sebastian Morales commented on May 4, 2023

Would you pls describe your requirement in more specific details, with examples if possible? Rgds,

Komuraiah A commented on May 8, 2023

below am sharing screenshot for visual query report

in the above screenshot, how to add a hyperlink on the product name or sum(cost) columns

Sebastian Morales commented on May 9, 2023

I think you can use DataTables or Table widget's column formatValue property to build the hyperlink like this:

                "columns" => [
                    "sum(Order Cost)" => [
                        "formatValue" => function($value, $row, $cKey) {
                            return "<a href='#'>$value</a>"; // change this hyperlink to what you want

Here's the property docs for DataTables and Table widgets:



Komuraiah A commented on May 10, 2023

hi team, am already tried, but that format not working in the visual query report. can you explain how to add hyperlinks in the visual query builder report

Sebastian Morales commented on May 11, 2023

Would you pls post your VisualQuery example code for us to see how DataTables' column formatValue property didn't work? Tks,

Komuraiah A commented on Jun 15, 2023


<?php //Step 1: Load KoolReport require_once "../../../load.koolreport.php";

//Step 2: Creating Report class class MyReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport {

use \koolreport\visualquery\Bindable;

public function defineSchemas()
    return [
        "salesSchema" => array(
            "tables" => [
                    "{meta}" => [
                        "alias" => "Table Customers"
                        "alias"=>"Customer Number",
                        "alias"=>"Customer Name",
                    "{meta}" => [
                        "alias" => "Table Orders"
                        "alias"=>"Order Number"
                    "orderDay" => array(
                        "alias" => "Order Day",
                        "expression" => "date(orderDate)",
                        "type" => "date",
                        "alias"=>"Order Date",
                        "type" => "datetime"
                    "orderMonth" => [
                        "expression" => "month(orderDate)",
                    // "customerNumber"=>array(
                    //    "alias"=>"Customer Number"
                    // )
                    "{meta}" => [
                        "alias" => "Order Details"
                    // "orderNumber"=>array(
                    //     "alias"=>"Order Number"
                    // ),
                        "alias"=>"Price Each",
                    // "productCode"=>array(
                    //     "alias"=>"Product Code"
                    // ),
                    "cost" => [
                        // "expression" => "orderdetails.quantityOrdered * orderdetails.priceEach",
                        "expression" => "quantityOrdered * priceEach",
                    "{meta}" => [
                        "alias" => "Table Products"
                        "alias"=>"Product Code"),
                        "alias"=>"Product Name"),
            "relations" => [
                ["orders.customerNumber", "leftjoin", "customers.customerNumber"],
                ["orders.orderNumber", "join", "orderdetails.orderNumber"],
                ["orderdetails.productCode", "leftjoin", "products.productCode"],
        "separator" => ".",

public function settings()
    //Get default connection from config.php
    $config = include "../../../config.php";

    return array(
protected function setup()
    // echo "post="; \koolreport\core\Utility::prettyPrint($_POST);

    $params = \koolreport\core\Utility::get($this->queryParams, 'visualquery1');
    $qb = $this->paramsToQueryBuilder($params);
    $this->queryStr = $params ? $qb->toMySQL() : "select * from customers where 1=0";
    $this->paramQuery = $params ? $qb->toMySQL(['useSQLParams' => "name"]) : "select * from customers where 1=0";
    $this->sqlParams = $qb->getSQLParams();

    ->pipe(new \koolreport\processes\ColumnMeta([
        "Order Number" => [
            "type" => "string"
        "orderMonth" => [
            "type" => "string"


and MyReport.view.php


use \koolreport\visualQuery\VisualQuery;
use \koolreport\datagrid\DataTables;

?> <form method="post">

<div class="report-content">
    <div class="text-center">
        <p class="lead">
        The basic working of VisualQuery
        "name" => "visualquery1",
        "themeBase" => "bs4",
        "schema" => "salesSchema",
        "defaultValue" => [
            "selectDistinct" => false,
            "selectTables" => [
            "selectFields" => [
            "filters" => [
                    "field" => "orders.orderDay", 
                    "operator" => ">", 
                    "value1" => "2001-01-01", 
                    "value2" => "", 
                    "logic" => "and",
                    "toggle" => true,
                    "field" => "products.productCode", 
                    "operator" => "nbtw", 
                    "value1" => "2", 
                    "value2" => "998", 
                    "logic" => "or",
                    "toggle" => true,
                ["products.productName", "<>", "a", "", "or", "toggle" => false],
                ["products.productName", "nin", "a,b,c", "", "or"],
                ["products.productName", "ctn", "a", "", "or"],
            "groups" => [
                    "field" => "orderdetails.cost", 
                    "aggregate" => "sum", 
                    "toggle" => true
            "havings" => [
                    "field" => "sum(orderdetails.cost)", 
                    "operator" => ">", 
                    "value1" => "10000", 
                    "value2" => "", 
                    "logic" => "and",
                    "toggle" => true,
                ["products.productName", "<>", "a", "", "or", "toggle" => false],
            "sorts" => [
                    "field" => "sum(orderdetails.cost)", 
                    "direction" => "desc", 
                    "toggle" => true
                ["products.productName", "desc", "toggle" => false]
            "limit" => [
                "offset" => 5,
                "limit" => 10,
                "toggle" => false,
        "activeTab" => "filters",

    <button type='submit' class='btn btn-light' >Submit</button> 

        pre {
            overflow-x: auto;
            white-space: pre-wrap;
            white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;
            white-space: -pre-wrap;
            white-space: -o-pre-wrap;
            word-wrap: break-word;
    <div style="margin: 30px; width:800px">
        <b>Select query:</b>
        <pre style="width:800px"><?php echo $this->queryStr; ?></pre>
        <b>Query with parameters:</b>
        <pre style="width:800px"><?php echo $this->paramQuery; ?></pre>
        <?php \koolreport\core\Utility::prettyPrint($this->sqlParams); ?>

        // print_r($this->dataStore('vqDS')->meta());
            "name" => "charttable1",
            "dataSource" => $this->dataStore('vqDS'),
            // "columns" => ["Quantity", "Product Name"],
            "options" => [
                "paging" => true


Komuraiah A commented on Jun 15, 2023

above where can i add hyperlink in sum(cost), and how to add please suggest me

Sebastian Morales commented on Jun 19, 2023

In your report view file, in DataTables' create method, define "columns" property like this:

                "columns" => [
                    // other columns here,
                    "sum(Order Cost)" => [
                        "formatValue" => function($value, $row, $cKey) {
                            return "<a href='#'>$value</a>"; // change this hyperlink to what you want

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