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Help to create a page which can be access without log in to the Portal. #3032

Open KD opened this topic on on Apr 7, 2023 - 3 comments

KD commented on Apr 7, 2023

I would like to create a dashboard that can be accessed without logging in to the portal.

Despite creating the wrapper and setting loginRequired(false), I can still not see the page in the top header on the login screen, and the dashboard is also inaccessible.

In the following link, there is an instruction I followed to create the page and dashboard wrapper:


Please give an example of how I can create a dashboard that can be accessed without logging into the portal by creating a link/button on the login page.

Many thanks for considering my request.

Thanks, Kalyan

KoolReport commented on Apr 11, 2023

The Login page is designed to show up whenever user access a page that requires login. The login page is not able to add extra link currently. So I guess you could make a home page (could be a wrapper page) which has requiredLogin(false), so user can access freely at first. From this page you can put any links to other pages.

KD commented on Apr 11, 2023

okay, we have tried to access the wrapper page (with loginRequired(false)) but somehow it did not show up... may I be doing something wrong. can you provide me an example if possible.

KoolReport commented on Apr 11, 2023

Let set the page as default to see how ->default(true)

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