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Open in new Tab/Window #296

Open Mark.smith opened this topic on on May 25, 2018 - 3 comments

Mark.smith commented on May 25, 2018

Hello, is it possible to render a pdf in a new Tab or Window? thanks Mark

KoolReport commented on May 26, 2018

Yes, it is possible. At client-side, you create a <a> link with target='_bank', the href will be pointing to the handle php file. In the handle file, in order to force PDF open in browser instead of downloading you do:


The second parameter true indicate that file will be open on browser.

Hope that helps.

gentlegriffon commented on May 3, 2020

@ KoolReport, I have the same issue, your suggestion doesn't answer the question. Is there a way to open in a new tab not the same tab??

KoolReport commented on May 4, 2020

May I know exactly your issue. Could you please describe the current state.

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