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Step-by-step guide how to's Koolreport with Codeigniter 4 #2929

Open AhmedHaroon opened this topic on on Jan 5, 2023 - 5 comments

AhmedHaroon commented on Jan 5, 2023

hi all, i am new to Koolreport and Codeigniter 4 too. i want step-by-step approach guide/tutorial for How To's for Koolreport how to install, integrate and create reports, include / use files, run reports (using a button or a link or navbar etc.)

( example at: https://github.com/koolreport/codeigniter4-example ). i have tried to follow the steps what on Github readme.md file contains using a very new Codeigniter 4 project but don't know whether i made mistake or handling / understanding wrong. when call /customReport it is showing error below: ( i searched for the error on google but failed to get any solution except replace "include" with "include_once" as mentioned below ) Fatal error: Cannot declare class Config\Database, because the name is already in use in D:\xampp\htdocs\koolrep\app\Config\Database.php on line 10 In file Friendship.php i modified include $file_path; -> include_once $file_path; and reload (hard reload) now it is showing other errors ( saying that no such file or directory and highlight this line in customReport.php include FCPATH . "helpers/common.php";) ... don't know what the problem is here, please help. regards

Keith Burke commented on Jan 5, 2023

A simple search will give you this as a semi complete guide.


cfsinc commented on Jan 8, 2023

Yeah thats not something your going get on here most likely.

New to each means learn them both as that will be necessary even if someone did a step by step and I doubt that will happen.

Also this is not a support forum for codeignitor so responses would be more focused on the koolreports side. Works with codeignitor means if you are good at codeignitor you should be able to figure it out.

So to not be rude I did a google search also and found this. https://github.com/koolreport/codeigniter4-example

if you are new to both then you are in over your head trying to learn both at the same time. Especially if you cant get them to connect. Just trying to save your sanity.

cfsinc commented on Jan 8, 2023

google searches are taking like 2 seconds to find stuff about your topic. https://www.koolreport.com/docs/integration/codeigniter/

Here you have to show all your code for anyone to know what the problem could be. many post bits and it could be a million other things you dont show.

cfsinc commented on Jan 8, 2023

There is a link at the top of this page called Examples and once called documentation also that tell you everything you need to know about how to use koolreports.

AhmedHaroon commented on Jan 10, 2023

thanks @cfsinc

i am facing problems with something like " file not found " when using "../../../load.koolreport.php" , "../../../config.php" etc. in " Koolreport-pro\examples\reports\inputs\order_list\OrderList.php" . i am showing my app path, please guide me about how it can be resolved. i knew it is a very easy for experts like you and various others but please help me to learn the basics to build foundation. we have to run report with our custom navigation menu (nav bar) which is role based and all forms and reports should access through Routes -> Controller.


in this folder a folder "vendor" contains the koolreport folder where all related files are and its autoload.php file is in D:\xampp\htdocs\myapp\app\Libraries\koolreport\autoload.php

i have tried a simple report with the help of @Keith Burke in topic # 1881 here. but want to learn various things which require to have strong pillars to create different types of reports as per client's requirement.


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