I'm trying to sort the INGRESOS column but it doesn't sort correctly. In the capture $356,340.29 is greater than $92,385.72
Este es mi codigo
$columnas= [
"label" => "NUMERO MES"
"type" => "number"
"MES" => [
"label" => "MES"
"type" => "string"
"label" => "INGRESOS"
"type" => "number"
"prefix" => "$"
"decimals" => 2
"footer" => "sum"
"footerText" => "@value"
"name" => "employeesTable",
"dataSource" => $this->dataStore("proyeccionImpuestoRenta"),
"themeBase" => "bs3",
"showFooter" => true,
"language" => array(
"lengthMenu" => "Ver _MENU_ registros por página",
"zeroRecords" => "No existen coincidencias",
"info" => "Mostrando página _PAGE_ de _PAGES_ (_MAX_ meses)",
"infoEmpty" => "No existen registros",
"infoFiltered" => "(Buscando de _MAX_ registros)",
"sSearch" => "Buscar",
"paginate" => array(
"sFirst" => "Primera", // This is the link to the first page
"sPrevious" => "Anterior", // This is the link to the previous page
"sNext" => "Siguiente", // This is the link to the next page
"sLast" > "Última" // This is the link to the last page
"options" => array(
"searching" => true,
"colReorder" => array("realtime" => false),
"ordering" => true,
"fixedHeader" => true,
"select" => array(
"style" => "multi"
"paging" => false,
"order" => array(
"columns" => $columnas